How Are Regulations Created?
Wildlife management objectives such as determining the numbers and types of wildlife taken, and providing opportunities to hunt, fish, or engage in other wildlife and outdoor-related recreation are realized through the creation of regulations by the Parks and Wildlife Commission. The Commission meets six scheduled times a year to consider changes in CPW regulations. Public comments are welcome at any point, but are most effective early in discussions about proposed changes.
Our annual Regulatory Schedule details when regulations chapters are both heard and finalized by the Commission.
Parks and Wildlife Regulations
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is charged by Title 33 state statutes to protect, preserve, enhance and manage the wildlife resources of the state and to provide a quality state park system. Regulations created by these Title 33 state statutes are linked below. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is charged by state statute to protect, preserve, enhance and manage the wildlife resources of the state and to provide a quality state park system. Regulations created by the Parks and Wildlife Commission are linked below. The regulations include but are not limited to season dates, bag limits, license requirements, off-highway vehicles, boating and park rules.
Parks Regulations
Wildlife Regulations
Rulemaking Petitions
State statutes provide opportunities for members of the public to propose modifying Colorado Parks and Wildlife regulations. Local governments may also petition the Commission for state park access fees. Information and submission packets for these petitions are found below.
Get Involved
Citizen Petitions
Are you interested in creating a new Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) regulation or modifying or removing an existing rule? Colorado State Statute 24-4-103(7) gives any interested person the right to petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of any state rule. A written citizen petition is required to initiate such a process.
Please note, the CPW Commission updated its policy on citizen petitions, and accompanying regulations, in April 2020.
Get Involved
Local Access Funding Petitions
Local governments may petition the Parks and Wildlife Commission to initiate rulemaking pursuant to SB23-059, codified in § 33-10-117, to impose a state park access fee on daily vehicle passes for visitors to a state park located within the local government’s geographic boundaries. The local government shall use any fee revenue received to support access to state parks. A written Local Access petition is required to initiate such a process.
For more information regarding these petitions, please see the Local Government: State Park Access Fee Petition packet.
None at this time.
None at this time.
None at this time.
For more information regarding Local Access Funding, please see the Local Access Funding Study and Grant Roadmap.
Regulations Brochures

Colorado Fishing Brochure

Folleto de Regulación de Pesca en Colorado (En Español)

Big Game Brochure Corrections
Updated 2/15/25

Colorado Big Game Brochure

Folleto de Regulacíon de Caza Mayor (En Español)

Bighorn Sheep/Mountain Goat Brochure

Folleto de Regulacíon de Borregos y Cabras (En Español)

Mountain Lion Brochure
Season: November 25, 2024 - March 31, 2025

Folleto de Regulación de Puma (En Español)
Temporada: 25 de noviembre de 2024 - 31 de marzo de 2025

Small Game and Waterfowl Brochure

Folleto de Regulación de Caza Menor y Aves Acuáticas (En Español)

Turkey Brochure Corrections

Turkey Brochure

Folleto de Regulación del Pavo (En Español)

Late Cropland Brochure

Atlas Walk-in de Cultivo Tardío/Late Cropland Walk-in Atlas Brochure (En Español)

Regular Walk-in Atlas Brochure

Atlas Walk-in Regular/Regular Walk-In Atlas Brochure (En Español)

Recreational Lands Brochure

Tierras de recreación del estado de Colorado (En Español)

State Parks Land and Water Regulations Brochure

Boating Handbook with Regulations and Statutes Brochure

Boater’s Guide to Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Inspections

Depredating Animal Regulations Brochure
Request a Brochure
Did you apply for a limited license last year? If so, CPW will mail 1 regulations brochure per household to you this year. Residents are encouraged to pick up brochures at any CPW office or park location. They are also found at nearly 650 sporting goods stores and other retail outlets throughout the state.
Request a Copy by Mail
If you do need a hardcopy mailed, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will mail 1 copy of a brochure per household. Complete the form below to request 1 copy per brochure be sent to you. Be aware that the Postal Service can take up to 10 days to deliver a brochure to your home.
Find out more