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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Public Comments for Commission Meetings

The Commission’s website will be updated as determinations are made for whether a meeting will be hybrid or virtual. Details about how to participate under each meeting format are provided below. 

To ensure that your comments are included in the rulemaking record and presented to the Commission, please send emails to:​. Comments must be provided by the deadlines indicated in the table below to be received by the Commission prior to the meeting.

​​2024 Meetings​​​​​

​Comment Deadlines

​January 10-11 - Hybrid Meeting / Denver
​January 5 - 12:00 pm MT
March 13-14 - Virtual Meeting​
​March 12 - 4:00 pm MT​​​
​​April 5 - Hybrid Meeting / Denver​
​April 3 - 12:00 pm MT​​
May 1-2 - Hybrid Meeting / Montrose​
​April 26 - 12:00 pm MT​​
June 12-13 - Hybrid Meeting / Winter Park​
​June 7 - 12:00 pm MT
July 18-19 - Hybrid Meeting / Meeker​
​July 12 - 12:00 pm MT​
​August 22-23 - Hybrid Meeting / Colorado Springs​
​August 16 - 12:00 pm MT

The submission form for virtual public comment will become available on August ​12.
​October 3 - Hybrid Meeting / Denver
​September 27 - 12:00 pm MT
​November 14-15 - Hybrid Meeting / Lamar
​November 8 - 12:00 pm MT​

Speaker Guidelines 

  • Be respectful of different points of view; no personal attacks or inappropriate language.
  • Comments should be addressed to the Commission as a whole and not individual Commissioners. Disparaging remarks about individuals, including but not limited to Commissioners, CPW staff, or the public, are not productive.
  • Speakers should try to be as concise as possible and avoid repeating comments already made by others.​

Comments for Hybrid Meetings 

​Hybrid Meeting Procedures

  • Pre-registration is required for virtual comments. You must register in advance by the date and time shown in the table above.
  • All in-person comment registration will be the day of the meeting at the registration table. Individuals participating in-person must comply with any meeting facility health and safety guidelines.
  • Each member of the public will typically be limited to no more than 3 minutes for oral public comment. Members of the public may be restricted to less than 3 minutes each at the discretion of the Chair when the total time for oral public comment is limited and the number of requests exceeds the allocated time.
  • For those who sign up to provide oral public comment virtually, you will receive an email from CPW staff with instructions for how to log into the virtual meeting a few days before the meeting. 
  • Public comment will be time permitting, as guided by the Chair to ensure adequate time for meeting business.
  • It is possible that not all who request time to speak will be able to as the total amount of time for public testimony will be limited in order to allow the Commission to conduct all of its scheduled business.

Speaking Order During the Hybrid Meeting

  • CPW staff will facilitate the public comment by calling on an individual by name.
  • Staff will notify each person when their time has elapsed and the Commission Chair will ask if there are any Commissioner questions. 
  • After questions have been addressed, the next person will be called.

Comments for Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meeting Procedures

  • If you are interested in virtually providing oral public comment during the meeting, you must register in advance by the date and time shown in the table above.
  • Each member of the public will typically be limited to no more than 3 minutes for oral public comment. Members of the public may be restricted to less than 3 minutes each at the discretion of the Chair when the total time for oral public comment is limited and the number of requests exceeds the allocated time.​
  • For those who sign up to provide oral public comment, you will receive an email from CPW staff with instructions for how to log into the virtual meeting a few days before the meeting.  
  • Public comment will be time permitting, as guided by the Chair to ensure adequate time for meeting business. 
  • It is possible that not all who request time to speak will be able to as the total amount of time for public testimony will be limited in order to allow the Commission to conduct all of its scheduled business.​

Speaking Order During the Virtual Meeting

  • CPW staff will facilitate the public comment by calling on an individual by name and unmuting that person to speak. 
  • Staff will notify each person when their time is elapsed and the Commission Chair will ask if there are any Commissioner questions. 
  • After questions have been addressed, individuals will be put back on mute and the next person called.

Request to Speak for Longer than 3 Minutes

Requests to speak about a subject for more than 3 minutes may be made by emailing a written request to the Commission ( The request must be sent 30 or more days before the meeting. 

  • Such requests must include the speaker's name, address, phone number, subject to be discussed, and amount of time needed. 
  • Each request will be answered promptly.​

Requests to speak for 3 minutes should be submitted as part of the registration process described at the top of this webpage, not via email.​