Mentored Pheasant Hunts for Adults and Youth
Program Eligibility
Class Instruction
Students must complete 3 hours of classroom instruction and 1 half-day field session to receive a program vehicle Walk-In Access (WIA) permit. Students will be required to attend both the zoom webinar and the In-person seminar. The program’s walk-in access properties are in Northeast Colorado.
Students may borrow a shotgun for the field sessions and mentored hunts. Please do not purchase a shotgun just to attend the clinics! Instructors will teach you what to look for in purchasing a shotgun at the clinics!
Students must bring their Hunter Education card with them to class for verification. Classroom instruction will cover pheasant biology, habitat, where to hunt, regulations, ethics, safety, gear, and field tactics.
Field Clinics
Students will also be required to attend one of the four field clinics, each field clinic will cover the same information, please choose the location or date that is most convenient for you to attend. Registering for a field clinic automatically registers you for the seminars. Half-day field sessions will include a wing-shooting clinic and simulated hunt.
Register for a Clinic
Please click on the session of your choice to register.
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