A woman and children hiking at Golden Gate Canyon State Park
Plans and Reports
We work with local, state and federal partners to advance our mission, and are accountable to the state legislature by sharing our progress on key funding initiatives. The plans on this page serve as a view into the agency’s historical work, a report on how we’ve used specific legislated funding, and a model for future work fulfilling recreation and conservation needs in Colorado.

New in 2024
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
This five year (2025 to 2029) plan reflects the shared vision and commitment of Colorado outdoor partners to advance recreation enjoyment and conservation of Colorado’s outdoor resources.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Strategic Plan
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission adopted the CPW Strategic Plan on November 19, 2015. This plan sets a high-level vision, overarching goals, objectives and strategies that will guide CPW's work into the future. The plan reflects a shared vision that was developed with extensive input from citizens of Colorado, including individuals who use CPW services, the Parks and Wildlife Commission and CPW's dedicated staff.

Statewide Trails Strategic Plan
As part of the “Colorado the Beautiful” initiative, Colorado Parks and Wildlife's State Trails Program prepared a Statewide Trails Strategic Plan. The “Colorado The Beautiful” Initiative emphasizes protecting Colorado’s outdoors, connecting people to the outdoors and linking outdoor areas in Colorado.

Wolf Management Plan
The primary goal of the Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management plan is to identify the steps needed to recover and maintain a viable, self-sustaining wolf population in Colorado, while concurrently working to minimize wolf-related conflicts with domestic animals/livestock, other wildlife and people.

Black Bear Heard Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a bear herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Bighorn Sheep Herd Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a bighorn sheep herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Deer Herd Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a deer herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Elk Herd Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a elk herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Moose Herd Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a moose herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Pronghorn Herd Management Plans
The purpose of a Herd Management plan (HMP) is to integrate the plans and intentions of Colorado Parks and Wildlife with the concerns and ideas of land management agencies and interested public to determine how a pronghorn herd in a Data Analysis Unit (DAU) should be managed.

Mountain Lion Population Management Plans
Mountain lion Data Analysis Unit (DAU) plans provide a description of the lion management strategic goals and objectives within discrete geographic areas of Colorado. A more detailed description of the approach used in formulating the plans can be read in the DAU Revision and Quota Development Process document.

State Park Management Plans
State Park Management Plans serve as an overarching management guide for each park by outlining short- and long-term visitor, recreation, resource, and infrastructure management visions for the park. It charts the management priorities and specific management directions for current and future park staff.

State Wildlife Action Plan
Our State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is the guiding document for Colorado Parks and Wildlife and its conservation teams as we strive to make all decisions with conservation in mind. It details our greatest conservation needs.

Planning Trails with Wildlife in Mind
This plan focuses extensively on collaborative approaches to problem solving to meet both conservation and recreation goals, and includes the current best practices and science to Colorado's land managers, trail advocates, and conservationists engaged in trail planning.

Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan
The mission of the Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan is to address the needs of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the context of multiple land ownerships, uses, and species through a Conservation Plan.

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Colorado Parks and Wildlife wants to hear from you about a wide range of parks and wildlife topics and plans.
Find updated reports regarding Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s conservation and management activity throughout the state. These reports highlight the work being done by staff each day to conserve the natural resources of Colorado for current and future generations to enjoy.