Fisherman with dam at John Martin Resevoir in distance

Fisherman with dam at John Martin Resevoir in distance

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Dams

Colorado Parks and Wildlife owns and operates the largest inventory of dams in the state of Colorado. The water impounded is used for purposes such as downstream irrigation, fisheries management and aquatic operations, and a multitude of recreational activities including fishing, boating and swimming.

over 120

Dams owned and operated by CPW

over $126.4

million allocated for dam safety related work

Dam at Trinidad Lake

Our Work

The average age of CPW’s High and Significant Hazard dams is 77 years. Six of these dams were constructed over 100 years ago. Most of CPW’s dams were built between 1950 and the mid-1970s. Colorado Parks and Wildlife has four full-time Dam Safety Engineers who, with the help of other dedicated staff located around the state, manage all the work and monitoring on CPW’s dams. They perform regular dam safety inspections on all CPW-owned dams and maintain current Emergency Action Plans for First Responders.

Dam Repairs and Maintenance

Public Safety is Our First Priority

Public infrastructure and population centers are often located downstream, which increases the likelihood of devastating consequences in the event of a dam failure. Maintenance and rehabilitation of CPW’s dams is of paramount importance to CPW.

    In 2014, CPW undertook a Screening Level Risk Analysis (SLRA) to provide an overview of the condition of CPW dams and develop a repair and rehabilitation priority list. Since that time, CPW has made extensive progress on achieving those necessary improvements. CPW is currently working through an update to the conditional assessment and prioritization list, to update and enhance the SLRA (started in 2023 and planned to be complete in early 2025).

    Repair and rehabilitation construction was completed on several dams in 2024: 

    • Tarryall Dam Comprehensive Rehabilitation - Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) project delivery
    • Dragonfly Pond Dam Comprehensive Rehabilitation
    • Heart Lake Dam Outlet Valve Repairs​

    Completed engineering studies and designs in 2024 include: 

    • Meadow Creek Dam Final Design and CMGC Pre-Construction
    • Garnet Mesa Dam (Sweitzer Lake) Final Design
    • Big Beaver Dam (Lake Avery) Outlet Rehabilitation Final Design 
    • Elk Falls Dam CMGC Pre-Construction
    • Lake Christine Dam Slope Stabilization and Spillway Rehabilitation Design
    • Risk-Informed Prioritization of CPW's Inventory of High and Significant Hazard Dams (ongoing)
    • Lake Christine Dam Construction
    • Meadow Creek Dam Construction
    • Garnet Mesa Dam (Sweitzer Lake) Spillway Replacement Construction
    • Upper Highline Dam (Highline Lake) Spillway Rehabilitation Preliminary Design
    • Big Beaver Dam (Lake Avery) Outlet Rehabilitation Construction

    Ongoing work continues for smaller-scale projects involving dam maintenance, improvements, and engineering studies.

    Annual Release of Upcoming Projects Anticipated over the next 2 Years

    Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) has a number of dam-specific projects anticipated over the next 2 years. In an effort to help engineering firms and construction contractors plan for these potential upcoming opportunities, the CPW Dam Safety Program is providing the general projects’ information below. Typically this list will be updated annually near the end of Q1. Please note that these project details are subject to change based on a number of factors such as funding and future inspections, and therefore there is no guarantee that the projects will occur as described herein. Similarly, the CPW Dam Safety Program may release additional projects during this time period that are not listed below. When a project is initiated, the solicitation will be posted on the Colorado Vendor Self Service website. Those who are interested in viewing active solicitations or registering for automatic alerts can do so at


    Quarter 1 of 2025

    No new projects planned. Refer to the Colorado Vendor Self Service website ( to view active solicitations and to register for automatic alerts.

    Quarter 2 of 2025
    • Flagler Dam Decommissioning, Removal, and Habitat Restoration Design
      Professional services to complete a design for the decommissioning and removal of the Flagler Dam and habitat restoration within the Flagler State Wildlife Area. This project may consider a Professional Services Contract Amendment to include the provision of Engineering Construction Services during future Construction Phase. This project is currently only awaiting release of FEMA grant funding.
    • Lake Christine Dam Slope Stabilization Construction
      Construction services to complete construction of the designed slope stabilization for the left abutment hillside. Construction is anticipated for summer 2025 at the earliest.
    Quarter 3 of 2025
    • Spring Creek Dam Spillway Rehabilitation and Seepage Mitigation Design
      Professional services to complete a design for the spillway rehabilitation and seepage
      mitigation at the Spring Creek Dam, located north of Gunnison. This project may consider a Professional Services Contract Amendment to include the provision of Engineering Construction Oversight Services during future a Construction Phase.
    • Home Lake Crest Raise and Rehabilitation
      Construction services to raise and armor the crest of the Home Lake Dam to protect against wave action erosion. Home Lake is a low hazard dam located outside of Monte Vista, Colorado. 
    Quarter 4 of 2025

    No new projects planned. Refer to the Colorado Vendor Self Service website ( to view active solicitations and to register for automatic alerts.

    Quarter 1 of 2026
    • Outlet Rehabilitation Designs, Multiple Dams
      Professional services to complete the outlet rehabilitation designs and construction documents on approximately 4 dams around the State. Dams will be classified as Significant Hazard and each will have had noted deficiencies in its outlet conduit. This project may consider a Professional Services Contract Amendment to include the provision of Engineering Construction Services during future Construction Phases.
    Quarter 2 of 2026
    • Trujillo Meadows Dam Seepage Evaluation and Monitoring System Design and
      Professional services to evaluate dam seepage, develop a monitoring (and/or collection) system design, and (potentially) complete installation.
    • Big Meadows, Miramonte, and/or Echo Canyon Dams Piezometer Installation
      Professional services to plan and complete installation of piezometers and other beneficial monitoring equipment.

    Q3 of 2026
    • Upper Highline Dam Rehabilitation CM/GC Preconstruction
      Construction planning and estimating services for the preconstruction phase of the Upper Highline Dam rehabilitation. A Construction Contractor and Independent Cost Estimator will be procured as part of two separate contracts to work with CPW and the Engineer to design, plan, and prepare for construction within a CM/GC delivery method. The selected Construction Contractor and Independent Cost Estimator will also have an opportunity to perform construction services during the final construction phase of the project.
    • Lake John Dam Slope Stabilization and Spillway Repairs Design
      Professional services to complete a design for the rehabilitation of the upstream slope, spillway, and potentially outlet works of the Lake John Dam. This project may consider a Professional Services Contract Amendment to include the provision of Engineering Construction Services during future Construction Phase.
    • La Jara Dam Seepage Evaluation and Monitoring System Design and Installation
      Professional services to evaluate dam seepage, develop a monitoring (and/or collection) system design, and (potentially) complete installation.
    Q4 of 2026

    No new projects planned. Refer to the Colorado Vendor Self Service website ( to view active solicitations and to register for automatic alerts.