Walk-in Access Program

An instructor talks to a hunter by a field.
Walk-in Access Program
Walk-in Access
To hunt Walk-In lands, a hunter must:
What Species Can I Hunt?
Hunters should be aware that many Walk-in Access properties will be open for both small game and big game, while other properties will remain small game only. For all Walk-In Access parcels east of I-25 and in Western Colorado small game, furbearers and waterfowl can be hunted.

Small Game


Migratory Game Birds

Eurasian Collared-doves
Hunters cannot hunt:
- Gambel's Quail
- Gunnison's Sage-grouse
- Greater Sage-grouse
Please see the Regular Walk-In Access brochure for additional details and properties. Additional regulations can be found in either Walk-In Access Atlas.
When Can I Hunt?
Access dates for Walk-In Access properties do not supersede normal small game hunting season dates. Regardless of access dates for properties, when a particular game species season is closed, hunters cannot pursue that game species on the basis of the program’s access dates.
Public access is allowed to these properties during one of four timeframes:
Regular Season Walk-In Access Properties
Annually, from September 1 through the end of February.
Late Season Cropland Walk-In Access Properties:
Annually, from the opening day of pheasant season through the end of February.
Extended Walk-In Access Properties:
Annually, from the opening day of pheasant season through the end of March.
Big Game Walk-In Access Properties:
Annually, from September 1 through the end of December.
Property Hours
Lands are open for public access one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset. When hunting waterfowl, deer, elk and pronghorn, public access is allowed two hours before sunrise until two hours after sunset.
Small Game
For small game hunting on WIA properties is allowed one-half hour before sunrise until sunset.
Big Game and Furbearers
For big game and furbearers hunting on WIA properties is allowed one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, unless specifically restricted.
Walk-in Atlas
Where can I hunt?
It is important to only hunt properties that are signed as Walk-In properties. A few properties are removed every year for various reasons. Access into properties is by foot and hunting only; all other activities are prohibited.
I found a WIA field in the atlas but signs are not present when I visited the field. Is the property open to hunting? No, a property must be posted with WIA boundary signs to be open to hunting.
Property Boundary Maps
Hunters should not hunt on any properties that have not been posted with the Walk-in Access Boundary signs. Colorado Parks and Wildlife provides Walk-In Access property boundaries in our online interactive Hunting Atlas.
Geo PDF Maps
- Desktop users: Using the geospatial location tool within Adobe Acrobat or Reader you can access latitude and longitude information within the map.
- Common GeoPDF readers for smartphones include: CPW Mobile PDF app (AppStore or GooglePlay) and Avenza's Maps.
Download the County Maps (PDF)
Can I Bring a Friend?
Yes, a non-hunting companion can accompany a hunter that is actively hunting a Walk-In Access property.
Additional hunters must meet the same legal requirements to hunt on WIA properties.
Walk-in Property Signs
There are a variety of Walk-In Access program boundary signs. Knowing what to look for in the field will help during your hunt. Remember, if you find a WIA property listed in the brochure but boundary signs are not present at the field corners, please do not hunt that field!

Access Signs
Access signs in the field will have an access date of Sept. 1 through the end of Feb. that tell when the property is open for hunting.
Pheasant Season Access Signs
Pheasant Season Access signs have an access date of “The opening day of pheasant season” through the end of Feb. Properties that are posted to open on the opening day of pheasant season cannot be accessed prior to Nov. 9, 2024.

Extended Access Signs
Extended Access properties are posted to close at the end of March, annually. These signs have an access date of “The opening day of pheasant season” through the end of March. These properties cannot be accessed prior to Nov. 9, 2024.

Parking Signs
Parking signs designate where hunters should park at some walk-in areas. The majority of WIA properties do not have established parking areas. Instead, hunters should park along the road, taking care to stay out of the traveled portion of the road but also not park in tall weeds and grass where a fire hazard exists.

Safety Zone Signs
Safety Zone signs are common on or near WIA properties. These signs are used to delineate safety zones around buildings, homesteads, livestock corrals or neighboring landowners' homes and properties. Please respect safety zone signs wherever you find them posted.
CLOSED! Yellow Warning Signs
“WARNING!” signs. Rarely, it is necessary to remove a property from the WIA program after this brochure is printed. When that happens, boundary signs are replaced with yellow warning signs to notify hunters the property is no longer available for walk-in hunting.
Big Game Access Program Signs
CPW and partnering landowners are offering big game hunting access on many Walk-In Access (WIA) properties in Eastern Colorado. Properties that allow big-game hunting are yellow in the WIA maps in this brochure. These properties will be signed with yellow WIA boundary signs in the field.

Walk-in Access
Property Closures for Harvesting Crops
Some properties are signed and regulated to reduce conflicts with landowners who are harvesting crops. This is most often a concern early in the pheasant season when landowners are still combining corn in center pivot circles with pivot corners planted to habitat and opened for access. When you see landowners harvesting crops, please respect that crop harvest is a very stressful time for landowners and give them the space they need to safely harvest.
In most cases, corners will only be closed for a day or two while the landowner completes harvest.
All sprinkler corners will be posted with closure signs in addition to regular boundary signs.
Adhering to this temporary closure will help us maintain excellent working relations with landowners, and will contribute to keeping high-quality sprinkler corners open to public walk-in hunting.

Walk-in Access
Big Game Hunting Seasons
Big game hunters thinking of applying for licenses in 2024 on the basis of hunting on Walk-In Access properties, must consider that each property is enrolled on an annual basis in July of each year.
All big game properties are enrolled for the Regular Walk-in Access Brochure.
Some big game properties will be added to the Late Cropland Walk-In Access brochure.
Small game hunters will have access to Walk-in properties during big game seasons.
Colorado Big Game Hunting Brochure
Be sure to read the “What’s New” pages to see a full list of changes on tap for the upcoming hunting seasons.
Download the BrochuresFolleto de Regulacíon de Caza Mayor
Asegúrese de leer las páginas "Novedades" para ver una lista completa de los cambios disponibles para las próximas temporadas de caza.
Descargue el FolletoColorado Small Game and Waterfowl Hunting Brochure
Be sure to read the “What’s New” pages to see a full list of changes on tap for the upcoming hunting seasons.
Download the BrochureFolleto de Regulación de Caza Menor y Aves Acuáticas
Asegúrese de leer las páginas "Novedades" para ver una lista completa de los cambios disponibles para las próximas temporadas de caza.
Descargue el FolletoRegular Walk-in Atlas
Download the BrochureAtlas Walk-in Regular
Descargue el FolletoLate Cropland Walk-in Atlas
Download the BrochureAtlas Walk-in de Cultivo Tardío
Descargue el Folleto
Walk-in Access
Beware of Hitchhiking Seeds
Many “noxious” weeds reproduce primarily by seed. These seeds are often transported by wind, birds, rodents and other animals, but they can also be carried on shoelaces or pant cuffs.
Please help control their spread by taking a few minutes as you leave the field to clean your shoelaces and pant cuffs of any seeds that may have become attached. And don’t forget to give your hunting dog a quick brush over to remove any hitchhiking seeds before traveling to a new hunting spot!