Report a Sighting
Have you seen one of these animals? To report a sighting, please select the appropriate link below.

Report a Sighting
Have you seen one of these animals? To report a sighting, please select the appropriate link below.
Submit a Report

Grizzly Bear



Wildlife Reporting and Your Privacy
If you observe wildlife, including wolves or wolf activity, this information could be incredibly valuable to CPW. Wildlife observations by members of the public, and private landowners in particular, can help inform wildlife management in Colorado. You may be concerned that reporting wildlife activity will compromise your privacy, or may make species location information widely available, but there are laws in place to protect your privacy and to protect species location information from public disclosure if you choose to share this information with CPW.
While the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) makes many government records public, there are exceptions to CORA that protect your personal information, information about private property, and animal location data.
Private Land Information
CPW must deny any CORA request for records “based on information related to private lands [that] identify or allow to be identified any specific Colorado landowners or lands.” Colo. Revised Statute § 24-72-204(3)(a)(XXI). This means that if you report wildlife activity on private land, CPW is required to deny any CORA request for that information. CPW values citizen reporting of wildlife activity on private lands and believes that safeguarding such information promotes its mission.
Names and Addresses
CPW must withhold names, addresses and telephone numbers of “past or present users of … recreational or cultural services that are owned and operated by the state.” Colo. Revised Statute § 24-72-204(3)(a)(IX). Any time you report wildlife activity, CPW will shield your name and other identifying information from any CORA request.
Email Addresses
CPW can withhold your email address from any records requested through CORA. Colo. Revised Statute § 24-72-204(2) (a)(VII). If you provide your email address, CPW can keep it private.
Animal locations
CPW can withhold information that could be used to determine the specific location of an animal or group of animals. Colo. Revised Statute § 24-72-204(2)(a)(X). This means that CPW can withhold information about the location of wildlife activity, even on public land, in response to a CORA request.
So if you choose to report wildlife information, CPW may be able to use one or more of these laws to protect your privacy. Thank you for helping CPW fulfill its mission to monitor, manage and perpetuate the wildlife resources of Colorado.