Education and Outreach

Hunter Education
A Successful Hunt Starts With the Right Information
Colorado law requires that anyone born on or after January 1, 1949, complete an approved hunter education course before applying for or buying a Colorado hunting license. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Hunter Education Courses, led by certified volunteer hunter education instructors and/or Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff, are offered throughout the state year-round.
Already taken hunter education? Learn more about how to provide proof of completion.
Hunter Education
About the Class
Hunter education extends beyond hunters, serving as a valuable program for outdoor enthusiasts with an interest in conservation. Classes offer hunters lessons in:
- safety
- legality
- responsibility
- ethical hunting conduct
- wildlife management and identification
- ethics
- laws and regulations
- firearms safety and handling
Concealed Carry
These classes are not recommended for applying for concealed carry as they don't cover relevant information such as handgun use, Title 18 laws or firearm use for personal protection. It's important to note that individuals with a felony conviction, which prevents legal firearm handling, cannot successfully complete the course.
Class Options
Classroom Course
Students complete the course in a classroom setting that includes lectures, hands-on activities, videos, a written test and a live fire exercise. All students must demonstrate safe firearm handling skills through the live-fire exercise. The rifles and ammunition are supplied by Colorado Parks and Wildlife; personal firearms cannot be used for the live fire exercise. The course costs up to $10 and requires a minimum of 10 hours of class time that may be split into two or more days. Depending on the instructor’s preference, a parent or guardian may be required to attend with a minor.
Online Course and Classroom Conclusion Class
Students complete a portion of the course online at their convenience and attend an in-person concluding class.
Part 1: Online Course ($34.95 starting January 1st, 2025)
The online course is a minimum of four hours in length. Students will move through it at their own pace. The online course must be successfully completed prior to attending the in-person conclusion course.Part 2: In-Classroom
The in-person internet conclusion class can cost up to $10 and requires four to six hours of class time that may be split into two days.
What if I registered for a course but can’t attend?
You can cancel your own registration. Please cancel your registration so someone else can attend. Our courses often have waiting lists, so if you fail to cancel, someone else may not be able to attend. If you have questions or need assistance please call 303-291-7250.
Class Accommodations
If you need accommodations, please contact the Hunter Education instructor or the Hunter Education Office at 303-291-7233 or 303-291-7470. The hunter education team requests that you contact us at least 15 days before the event you wish to attend.
If you are hearing impaired and need sign language interpretation, please complete the Accommodations Form to request a hunter education interpreter. Please send the completed form by email to [email protected] .
Colorado Test-Out Option
Military and Hunters 50 Years of Age and Older
Resident and nonresident hunters 50 years of age and older can test out of the hunter education requirement. U.S. military personnel who do not have a hunter education card from Colorado or another state can also test out. “U.S. military personnel” is defined as active duty, reserve duty, veterans, and National Guard.
Taking the Test
The test allows you to test out of a hunter education course. It may be taken only once and must be passed with a score of 90% or better. Those who fail the test must attend a hunter education class or use the Apprentice Hunter Certificate.
Test takers must have or create a customer identification number (CID) to take the test. Starting January 1st, 2025, the cost of the test is $34.95. The test is given online only and must be completed in one session within 30 minutes. Once you log in, the 30 minutes begins, so we advise that you do not register on the test site and expect to go back and complete the course at a later date.
Passing the Test
Once you pass the test, your hunter education number will be permanent and will not expire. Hunters must wait up to 24 hours to allow for their test information to be updated from the vendor to the CPW CID system before purchasing a license.
Hunters 50 and Older
Senior test-out records are verified to each hunter’s unique customer identification number or CID and will print directly onto any purchased license; no physical Hunter Education card is issued. However, if an individual would like a physical card, one can be obtained for a $5 fee in person at any sales agent, online, through the mail, or by phone at 1-800-244-5613.
U.S. Military Personnel
U.S. military personnel must email a certificate of completion, proof of military service and official photo ID to [email protected]. Once all documents have been received, hunter education will be verified and customers can purchase licenses or enter the draw.
The following forms of U.S. military personnel identification are accepted:
- DD214
- DD Form 2
- DD Form 2765
- Active, retired and veteran military identification card with the word "veteran" printed on it as specified in 42-2-303(5)(a) C.R.S.
- V.A. medical card
Test-Out Records
Military and senior test-out records are verified for each hunter’s unique customer identification number (CID) and will print directly onto any purchased license; no physical Hunter Education card is issued. However, if an individual would like a physical card, one can be obtained for a $5 fee in person at any CPW sales agent, online at, through the mail, or by phone at 1-800-244-5613.
Hunter Education Card
The hunter education instructor will issue cards to successful students at the end of the course. The Colorado Hunter Education card does not expire. If a hunter has a temporary hunter education card, from Colorado or any other state, it will expire on December 31 of the year issued. All U.S. states recognize valid hunter education certificates issued through other state conservation or wildlife agencies.
Each licensed hunter in Colorado has a customer identification number (CID). The hunter education number can be matched to the CID number to verify the hunter education card. When a hunter purchases a license and they are verified, the hunter education number and a “V” for “verified” will be printed on the license.
To get your record verified, stop by a Colorado Parks and Wildlife office with the card, or, if the card was issued by Colorado, give Colorado Parks and Wildlife a call. The card must either be in the Colorado hunter education database or an agent must physically see the card. Cards can be verified over the phone only if you have previously purchased a hunting or fishing license through Colorado Parks and Wildlife and there is a record to verify.
Request a Hunter Education Replacement Card
You can order a replacement card online by visiting Replacement cards are $5 and generally take two to three weeks for delivery. When placing your order, you will be able to download and print a temporary card for use until your permanent card arrives in the mail. If you cannot find your record in our online search, or your record has any misspellings or inaccuracies, please contact the Hunter Education Office at 303-291-7250.
Colorado replacement hunter education cards can be requested by mail in application. Requesting a replacement card by mail still costs $5, which would need to be included with the completed application in the envelope
I Have Changed My Name and Need to Update My Card
If you have changed your name since you received your original card, Colorado Parks and Wildlife can issue a replacement. To do that, we will need proof of your name change. Name change reissue cards can be obtained in person at a CPW office, state park, or through the mail. To request a card through the mail, download, print and complete the duplicate hunter education application form.
Legal proof of name change includes:
- Updated driver’s license
- Marriage certificate
- Adoption decree
- Divorce decree
- Court-ordered name change
Become an Instructor
Colorado Parks and Wildlife needs volunteer hunter education instructors. Volunteers teach and foster safe, ethical and responsible hunting to new hunters. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and have a hunter education card. Instructors must volunteer a minimum of 10 hours each year.
Volunteers must complete the following training:
- Have completed a minimum of 10 hours in the classroom for the in-person Hunter Education course, plus the written exam and live fire. For the online course, volunteers must have completed a minimum of four hours of hands-on firearm safety activities and reviewed Colorado laws and regulations, plus the written exam and live fire for the online conclusion class.
- Attend New Instructor Academy
- Attend one continuing education workshop every three years
Apply to Become an Instructor
Interested applicants must complete the instructor application, background check and interview. Once the application is completed, submit it to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Hunter Education Program. Volunteers will be supervised by the Statewide Hunter Education Coordinator.

Enroll in a Class
There are more ways than ever to get licensed, grow your skills and learn something new.
New to Hunting in Colorado?
New hunters can find many different learning resources through the Hunter Outreach Program.
Apprentice Hunter Certificate
For new hunters, the Apprentice Hunter Certificate is a free, one-year waiver of the hunter education requirement. To use the certificate, hunters must have a mentor with them in the field, no matter their experience or age.
Find out moreGrow Your Skills with Clinics and Seminars
Throughout the year, clinics are offered to give hunters opportunities to improve their hunting skills, practices and techniques.Clinics are typically more hands-on and often take place in the field or at the range. They are usually geared toward shooting, archery, hunting or basic outdoor skills.
Find a Clinic or SeminarMore Education Opportunities

Take a Bowhunter Education Class
Bowhunter Education is an optional course offered to hunters. It covers archery equipment, proper use of tree stands and hunting techniques. There are two options for the course: an in-person classroom experience or an online course with an in-person concluding class.

Mountain Lion Exam
Hunters are required to complete the exam to purchase a mountain lion hunting license and hunt mountain lions in Colorado.