Parks and Wildlife Commission Meeting: May 3-4, 2023

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission is a citizen board, appointed by the Governor, which sets regulations and policies for Colorado’s state parks and wildlife programs.

Meeting Recordings

Video: Meeting Day 1: May 3, 2023

Video: Meeting Day 2: May 4, 2023

Wed, May 3, 2023

8:30 am

Thu, May 4, 2023

2:20 pm

YouTube Live

YouTube Live

Colorado Mountain College Spring Valley
3000 County Road 114
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
United States


Meeting Materials


Final: Chapter W-10 – “Nongame Wildlife” 2 CCR 406-10 and those related provisions of Chapter W-16 (“Parks and Wildlife Proce​dural Rules” 2 CCR 406-16) necessary to accommodate changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-10 (Step 2 of 2)


Final: Chapter W-17 – “Damage Caused by Wildlife” 2 CCR 406-17 (Step 2 of 2)


Updated Final: Chapter W-2 – “Big Game” 2 CCR 406-2 and those related provisions of Chapter W-0 (“General Provisions” 2 CCR 406-0) ne​cessary to accommodate changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-2 (Step 1 of 1)


​Final: Chapter W-2 – “Big Game” 2 CCR 406-2 and those related provisions of Chapter W-0 (“General Provisions” 2 CCR 406-0) necessary to accommodate changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-2 (Step 2 of 2)


Final: Chapter W-16 –“Parks and Wildlife Procedural Rules” 2 CCR 406-16 and those related provisions of Chapter P-7 (“Passes, Permits and Registrations” 2 CCR 405-7) necessary to accommodate changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-16 (Step 2 of 2)


Updated Draft: Chapter W-9 - “Wildlife Properties” 2 CCR 406-9 and those related provisions of Chapter W-0 (“General Provisions” 2 CCR 406-0) and Chapter P-1 (“Parks and Outdoor Recreation Lands” 2 CCR 405-1)


​Issue: Chapter W-2 - “Big Game” - 2 CCR 406-2 and those related provisions of Chapter W-0 (“General Provisions” - 2 CCR 406-0) necessary to accommodate changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-2 (Step 1 of 2)