Furbearers - Statistics
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Furbearer Hunting Statistics
Fill out the Furbearer Harvest Log and use the information as reference if you are contacted for the annual Furbearer Harvest Survey in the spring following the close of the seasons. The Furbearer Harvest Survey helps us track the furbearer species taken each year, so we can better manage their populations.
Furbearer Harvest and Management Report
Furbearer Harvest Survey Results
Bobcat Annual Mortality Table
About Bobcat Harvesting
5 different metrics each year to make sure bobcat populations are stable and healthy. These guidelines suggest Colorado’s bobcat populations are stable and may be increasing in some areas. Colorado’s bobcat season timing and length, limitations on methods of take, and the annual data collected from mandatory check of every harvested bobcat are the basis for present management.
See the harvest reports and harvest survey results linked above.
All harvested lions and bobcats must be physically checked by trained CPW staff. These mandatory checks allow us to collect important biological and law enforcement data, as well as place a seal on each animal to make possession legal.
Annual statewide bobcat harvest has averaged 880 bobcats in the most recent 3 years (‘20-’21, ‘21-’22, ‘22-’23).
There is no evidence to suggest statewide lion or bobcat populations are decreasing under current sustainable management. In fact, a number of current studies and projects underway on both species in Colorado suggests that the actual densities of both species are at, or above levels needed to maintain current population sizes. Limits on lion harvest, season length and harvest methods are all set to make sure Colorado’s lion and bobcat numbers are not decreasing.
Colorado Small Game and Waterfowl Hunting Brochure
Be sure to read the “What’s New” pages to see a full list of changes on tap for the upcoming hunting seasons.
Download the Brochure