Extended Youth Season Deer Hunts

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Take Advantage of Increased Youth Opportunity
Colorado Parks and Wildlife offers youth many opportunities to head into the field to harvest a big-game animal. One of the foremost goals at CPW is to expand youth opportunities and turn first-time hunters into lifelong sportspeople. Offering more chances at success builds the foundation of solid hunting skills and passes down the appreciation of the outdoor lifestyle we cherish.
Does a hunter qualify for a license?

Know the Basics
Youth ages 12-17 have an opportunity to keep hunting if they don’t harvest a deer with their original antlerless license. To participate in the extended season, youth must first purchase a limited license for an antlerless deer. Limited licenses can be purchased through the primary and secondary draws, the leftover (remaining) license list, and/or vouchers.
Youth hunters must be accompanied by a mentor who is 18 or older and also meets hunter education requirements. Youths and mentors must be able to see and hear each other while hunting.
Choosing the Correct License
Youths can hunt the extended youth season with:
- Youths may hunt in only the seasons and units that are marked as open to hunting in the tables below. The dates youths may hunt are listed below. Pay close attention to these dates, they are different in each unit.
- Extended youth season licenses and converted licenses will NOT be transferable to hunt anywhere in the state. Youths must hunt within a designated group of units near where their original license was valid. See the map at the end of this list for details.
- Youths may only hunt during the rifle season in the units on the map that are a solid color. Striped or white colored units are closed to the extended youth season hunting.
Youths can not hunt the extended youth season with:
- Unfilled buck deer tags
- Unfilled either-sex deer tags
- Unfilled over-the-counter either-sex whitetail only rifle tags
Extended Youth Season hunting rules:
- The original license must be for an antlerless deer hunt in the current hunting year that has a limited number of licenses available.
- The season including all season splits for which the original license was issued must have ended; this includes youth licenses for Ranching for Wildlife properties.
- Youths must follow all the rules of hunting during the rifle season, including wearing blaze orange and using a method of take allowed in the rifle season.
- Youths must follow the restrictions of the hunt they select in the table below, including season dates, species restrictions such as WHITETAIL ONLY and geographic restrictions such as “private land only.” Permission is required before hunting on private land.
- Youths CANNOT choose a Ranching for Wildlife property to hunt IF MY ORIGINAL SEASON HAS ENDED.
- A mentor who meets hunter education requirements must accompany youths 16 and younger.
- Mentors don’t have to hunt, but can do so with the youth only if the mentor’s license is valid for the same rifle season, unit and with the same hunt restrictions for which the youth will be hunting.
- Youths who obtained their original license at age 17 and later turn 18 can participate in these extended seasons. Youth hunting rules still apply, even though the hunter is 18 while hunting.
- At age 11, youths can buy or apply for a license if they turn 12 before the end of the season on their original license. Youths cannot hunt with the license until they turn 12.
Choose Where to Hunt
Extended season hunting is outlined on the map below. Youths may hunt during the extended season in any GMU within the red border that also contains the GMU where their original license was valid.
Eligible Hunts
Unfilled Doe Deer License Unit(s) |
Valid Extened Season GMUs |
Season Dates |
1, 2, 201 |
Cannot hunt in units 1, 2, 201 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
3, 4, 5, 14, 214, 301, 441 |
3, 301 |
3, 4, 5, 14, 214, 301, 441 |
4 - Huntable area bounded on N by WY; on E by Moffat CR 1; on S by Moffat CR 38; on W by Colo. 13/789 |
3, 4, 5, 14, 214, 301, 441 |
4, 14, 214, 441 |
3, 4, 5, 14, 214, 301, 441 |
5 |
6, 16, 17, 161, 171 |
6, 16, 17, 161, 171 - private land only |
7, 8, 9, 19, 191 |
7, 8 |
7, 8, 9, 19, 191 |
9 - Landowner permission is advisable before applying. Most land is private. |
7, 8, 9, 19, 191 |
9, 19, 191 - Landowner permission is advisable before applying. Most land is private. |
10 |
Cannot hunt in unit 10 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 131, 211, 231 |
12, 13, 23, 24 |
11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 131, 211, 231 |
11 - Huntable area in 11 bounded on N by Colo. 318 and Hwy. 40; on E by Deception Creek-Strawberry Creek Rd. (Moffat CR 57); on S by Moffat CR 23 and Hwy. 40; on W by Twelvemile Gulch Rd., Moffat CR 25, Yampa River and Little Snake River. |
11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 131, 211, 231 |
211 - Huntable area in 211 bounded on N by Hwy. 40 and Yampa River; on E by Colo. 13/789; on S by Moffat CRs 17, 32 and 51; on W by Deception Creek-Strawberry Creek Rd. (Moffat CR 57). |
11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 131, 211, 231 |
22 |
11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 131, 211, 231 |
Cannot hunt in units 131, 231 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
15, 35, 36, 45, 361 |
15, 35, 36, 45, 361 |
18, 27, 28, 37, 181, 371 |
18, 28, 37, 371 |
18, 27, 28, 37, 181, 371 |
27, 181 |
20 |
20 - private land only |
20 |
20 |
21, 30 |
30 |
21, 30 |
Cannot hunt in unit 21, no antlerless rifle hunts available |
25, 26, 34 |
25, 26, 34 |
29, 38 |
29, 38 - private land only |
29, 38 |
29, 38 |
29, 38 |
38 - Jefferson County Portion Only |
31, 32 |
Cannot hunt in units 31, 32 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
33 |
33 - private land only in area bounded on N by CR 226 and CR 245; on E by Elk Creek; on S by Colorado River; on W by Colo. 13 and Colo. 325 |
33 |
33 - private land only |
39, 46, 51, 391, 461; Units 39 and 46 are closed to hunting within 1/4 mile of Guanella Pass Rd.; See brochure for more details |
39, 46, 51, 391, 461 - private land only |
39, 46, 51, 391, 461; Units 39 and 46 are closed to hunting within 1/4 mile of Guanella Pass Rd.; See brochure for more details |
39, 46 |
40 |
Cannot hunt in unit 40 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
41, 42, 421 |
41, 42, 421 |
43, 47, 431, 471 |
43, 47, 431, 471 |
44 |
44 |
48, 56, 481, 561 |
56 - Huntable area bounded on N and E by Colo. 291; on S by U.S. 50; on W by Colo. 285. Manner of take restrictions on limited public land. |
48, 56, 481, 561 |
481 - Huntable area bounded on N by Chaffee CRs 384A and 384; on E by Arkansas River; on S by Chaffee CRs 306, 337, Gregg Drive, Chaffee CR 319 and U.S. 24; and on W by Chaffee CR 361. Most land is private. |
48, 56, 481, 561 |
56, 481 - private land only |
48, 56, 481, 561 |
Cannot hunt in units 48, 561 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
49, 57, 58, 581 |
57 - Huntable area bounded on N and E by Colo. 291; on S by U.S. 50; on W by Colo. 285. Manner of take restrictions on limited public land. |
49, 57, 58, 581 |
581 - Bounded on N by a straight line connecting U.S. 50 and North St.; on E by Mackenzie Ave./Fourmile Ln.; on S by a straight line connecting Pinion Ave. to Fremont CR 143, Fremont CR 143 and Tanner/East Bear Gulch Trail 1333; on W by BLM and USFS boundary, Temple Canyon Rd. and U.S. 50. Note that only archery equipment and crossbows are allowed within city limits. Rifles and any other firearm are prohibited. |
49, 57, 58, 581 |
49, 57, 58, 581 |
49, 57, 58, 581 |
49, 57 - private land only |
50, 500, 501; Units 500 and 501 are closed to hunting year-round along Kenosha Pass within 1/4 mile of Hwy. 285, between mile markers 203 and 206 in Park Co., excluding private lands |
501 |
50, 500, 501; Units 500 and 501 are closed to hunting year-round along Kenosha Pass within 1/4 mile of Hwy. 285, between mile markers 203 and 206 in Park Co., excluding private lands |
501 |
50, 500, 501; Units 500 and 501 are closed to hunting year-round along Kenosha Pass within 1/4 mile of Hwy. 285, between mile markers 203 and 206 in Park Co., excluding private lands |
Cannot hunt in units 50, 500 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
52, 411, 521 |
52, 411 - private land only |
52, 411, 521 |
Cannot hunt in unit 521 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
53, 63 |
53, 63 - private land only |
54, 55, 66, 67, 551 |
54, 55, 66, 67, 551 |
54, 55, 66, 67, 551 |
54, 55, 551 - private land only |
59, 511, 512, 591 |
591 - Fort Carson |
59, 511, 512, 591 |
511 |
59, 511, 512, 591 |
511 - private land only |
59, 511, 512, 591 |
Cannot hunt in units 59, 512 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
60 |
60 - private land only |
61 |
Cannot hunt in unit 61 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
62 |
62 - private land only |
64, 65 |
Cannot hunt in units 64, 65 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
66, 67 |
66, 67 |
68, 681, 682 |
Cannot hunt in units 68, 681, 682 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
69, 84, 86, 691, 861 |
69, 581 - Bounded on N by a straight line connecting U.S. 50 and North St.; on E by Mackenzie Ave./Fourmile Ln.; on S by a straight line connecting Pinion Ave. to Fremont CR 143, Fremont CR 143 and Tanner/East Bear Gulch Trail 1333; on W by BLM and USFS boundary, Temple Canyon Rd. and U.S. 50. Note that only archery equipment and crossbows are allowed within city limits. Rifles and any other firearm are prohibited. |
Sept. 1-Oct. 31 |
69, 84, 86, 691, 861 |
69, 84, 86, 691, 861 - private land only |
70, 71, 711 |
70 - private land only |
70, 71, 711 |
Cannot hunt in units 71, 711 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
72, 73 |
72, 73 - south of Colo. 184 and US 160 private land only |
72, 73 |
72 - private land only |
74, 741 |
741 - private land only |
74, 741 |
Cannot hunt in unit 74 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
75, 77, 78, 751, 771 |
75, 77, 78, 751, 771 |
75, 77, 78, 751, 771 |
75, 751 - private land only |
75, 77, 78, 751, 771 |
75, 751 - private land only South of US 160 |
75, 77, 78, 751, 771 |
77, 78, 771 - private land only |
76, 79, 791 |
79, 791 - private land only |
76, 79, 791 |
Cannot hunt in unit 76 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
80, 81 |
80, 81 |
82 |
Cannot hunt in unit 82 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
83 |
Cannot hunt in unit 83 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
85, 140, 851 |
85 - private land only, those portions bounded on the north by Colo. 160; on the east by CR 350 and Wahatoya Creek; on the south by CR 362, 360 and the fence line on the south side of LaVeta Town Lakes and golf course from the Intersection of CRs 360 and 361 to Colo. 12, and CR 420; and on the west by Colo. 12, and CRs 430,440 and 451. |
85, 140, 851 |
Cannot hunt in units 140, 851 no antlerless rifle hunts available |
87, 88, 89, 90, 95 |
87, 88, 89, 90, 95 Season Choice Restrictions WHITETAIL ONLY; See special-use rules for this hunt in the “Season Choice Licenses” section of the Colorado Big Game Brochure |
87, 88, 89, 90, 95 |
87, 88, 89, 90, 95 |
91, 92, 94, 96, 951 |
91, 92, 96 - private land only. Season Choice Restrictions; See special-use rules for this hunt in the “Season Choice Licenses” section of the Colorado Big Game Brochure |
91, 92, 94, 96, 951 |
96 - private land only East of Hwy 71. Season Choice Restrictions; See special-use rules for this hunt in the “Season Choice Licenses” section of the Colorado Big Game Brochure |
91, 92, 94, 96, 951 |
91, 92, 94, 96, 951 |
93, 97, 98, 99, 100 |
93, 97, 98, 99, 100 Season Choice Restrictions WHITETAIL ONLY; See special-use rules for this hunt in the “Season Choice Licenses” section of the Colorado Big Game Brochure |
93, 97, 98, 99, 100 |
93, 97, 98, 99, 100 |
101, 102 |
101, 102 Season Choice Restrictions WHITETAIL ONLY; See special-use rules for this hunt in the “Season Choice Licenses” section of the Colorado Big Game Brochure |
101, 102 |
101, 102 |
101, 102 |
102 - private land only |
103, 109, 116, 117 |
103, 109, 116, 117 |
103, 109, 116, 117 |
103 - private land only |
103, 109, 116, 117 |
109, 116, 117 WHITETAIL ONLY |
103, 109, 116, 117 |
104, 105, 106 |
104 - Hunting only in area bounded on N by Arapahoe/Douglas/Elbert county lines; on E by CR 29, CR 33, Colo. 86, CR 17/21 and CR 15/21; on S by CR 86/Steele Ave., E. Cherry Creek Rd. and E. Jones Rd.; on W by Colo. 83 |
104, 105, 106 |
104, 105, 106 |
104, 105, 106 |
104, 105, 106 WHITETAIL ONLY |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 WHITETAIL ONLY |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 |
107 |
Eligible Hunts Continued
Unfilled Doe Deer License Unit(s) |
Valid Extened Season GMUs |
Season Dates |
107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121 |
110, 111, 118, 119, 123, 124 |
110, 111, 118, 119, 123, 124 |
110, 111, 118, 119, 123, 124 |
110, 111, 118, 119, 123, 124 WHITETAIL ONLY |
122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 139, 145, 146 |
122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 139, 145, 146 |
122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 139, 145, 146 |
122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 139, 145, 146 WHITETAIL ONLY |
128, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 147 |
128, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 147 |
128, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 147 |
128, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141, 147 WHITETAIL ONLY |
137, 138, 143, 144 |
137, 138, 143, 144 - private land only |
137, 138, 143, 144 |
137, 138, 143, 144 |
137, 138, 143, 144 |
137, 138, 143, 144 WHITETAIL ONLY |
444 |
444 |