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Wolves in Colorado
Wolves in Colorado
​​​​​Wolf Updates​

wolf activity mapCollared Gray Wolf Activity Map​​

Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s ​Collared Gray Wolf Activity Map​ will help inform the public, recreationists and livestock producers on where wolves have been in the past month. These maps are created using GPS collar data collected from all 12 collared wolves in Colorado. This includes the 10 animals reintroduced from Oregon, as well as the two collared wolves in North Park. ​

This map will be updated with new information on a monthly basis, produced on the fourth Wednesday of every month, and will reflect data for the prior month, give or take sever​​al days. Learn more​​.​

Wolf 2306-OR shortly after release in Colorado on December 19, 2023.

C​olorado Parks and Wildlife successfully completes gray wolf capture work in Oregon

On Friday, December 22, 2023, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) experts completed capture work in Oregon, finishing their work in the state. As a result of the CPW team’s work in Oregon, the agency released a total of 10 gray wolves onto state-owned public land in Summit and Grand counties, continuing the agency’s efforts to create a permanent, self-sustaining gray wolf population ​in Colorado. This total completes the agreement with Oregon for the December 2023 - March 2024 capture season to provide up to 10 wolves to Colorado. No further releases are planned this calendar year. Learn more.

​​​​ ​​​ ​

Final Wolf Plan Cover

Gray Wolf Restoration and Management​

Passing in November 2020, ​​​​​​​​Proposition 114 - now​ state statute 33-2-105.8 - directed the Parks and Wildlife Commission to develop a plan to restore and manage gray wolves in Colorado, using the best scientific data available and hold statewide hearings to acquire information to be considered in developing such plan, including scientific, e​conomic, and social considerations pertaining to such restoration. The statute also directed the Parks and Wildlife ​​Commission to take the steps necessary to begin the restoration of ​​​​​gray wolves in Colorado west of the Continental Divide no later than December 31, 2023

 Download and Read the Final Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan (8 MB).​​​​​​​​​​​

 Plan de Gestión y Restauración del Lobo de Colorado (En Español) (12 MB).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)

Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff have worked across areas of expertise, scientific backgrounds and partner agencies to prepare this FAQ page in response to significant public outreach.

Get the answers.


Advisory ​Groups

CPW convened two groups to serve as advisory bodies to the agency as the Commission and staff work to develop the plan to restore and manage gray wolves in Colorado. 

Learn about ​the Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Stakeholder​​ Advisory Group​.​

Wolf Management

State statute 33-2-105.8 directs the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to develop a ​plan to introduce gray wolves in Colorado. 

Learn more about gray wolf restoration and management.​


Gray Wolves 
and Mexican Wolves

What is the difference between the gray wolf and the Mexican wolf? Find out what makes them different and how they are managed.

Learn about wolv​es​


Find tips on identifying wolves, educational sessions on the reintroduction of wolves, and school/educator resources to help you better understand what it means to live with wolves.

View educationa​​l resources.

Public Engagement

We want to hear from you! 

Participate in a public meeting near you or submit fee​dback​ via our online form.   

Find a public meeting near you​.


​​Have you seen a wolf?

Help Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists monitor wolves by filling out the Wolf Sighting Form. Please provide a photo or video, the exact location coordinates, or other detailed information for confirmation purposes.

Submit a Wolf Sighting Form.

Gray Wolf

Help Support Gray Wolf Restoration

To help contribute to the planning and restoration of gray wolves in Colorado, please consider donating to the effort