CPW seeks public comment on herd management plans near Grand Junction and Rifle

Travis Duncan
Statewide Public Information Officer
720-595-8294 / travis.duncan@state.co.us

Statewide Public Information Officer
720-595-8294 / travis.duncan@state.co.us

CPW wildlife managers refer to the areas as Data Analysis Units: D-42 for deer at Rifle Creek, D-11 for deer in the Bookcliffs, and E-10 for elk in the Bookcliffs and north of Parachute (Yellow Creek). The plans cover Game Management Unit (GMU) 33 for deer in Rifle Creek, GMUs 21 and 30 for deer in the Bookcliffs and GMUs 21, 22, 30, 31 and 32 for elk.
Many changes have occurred to the landscape of these areas over time, affecting habitat conditions that support the deer and elk populations, including persistent drought and fire.
The proposed herd management plans offer several alternatives for setting population and sex-ratio objectives for the next 10 years. The objectives for the number of hunting licenses issued in those GMUs is set on an annual basis.
Rifle Creek deer herd
Since 1993, the Rifle Creek deer herd population has been largely stable between 6,000 - 8,000 deer, which is lower than the previous herd plan objective of 7,700 - 9,400 deer.
In the new deer draft herd management plan for 2022 - 2032, CPW proposes a reduction in population objective range to 6,200 - 8,200 deer. This would not be a reduction of deer numbers in Rifle Creek, but a management of the deer population at the current population average.
CPW also proposes to change the sex-ratio objective from 30 - 35 bucks per 100 does to 25 - 32 bucks per 100 does. This new range allows CPW managers to balance the management of chronic wasting disease (CWD) while maintaining a quality buck hunt.
Bookcliffs deer herd
The Bookcliffs deer herd north of Grand Junction near the Utah border has been stagnant at historically low levels for nearly two decades. The previous herd management plan was 10,000 - 12,000 deer.
CPW proposes a reduction in the population objective to 5,000 - 8,000 deer. This allows CPW to manage the D-11 herd in sync with the habitat condition and capability while increasing the resiliency and sustainability of the herd.
Additionally, CPW recommends a slight decrease from the current sex ratio of 30 - 35 bucks per 100 does to 27 - 32 bucks per 100 does. This slight decrease allows for CWD management while maintaining or increasing hunting opportunity.
Yellow Creek elk herd
The Yellow Creek elk herd north of I-70 has steadily increased over the last couple of decades. Following the 2020 hunting season, CPW estimated about 12,000 elk in this herd, exceeding the previous herd management plan’s population objective of 7,000 - 9,000 elk. This objective range was set before improvements in modeling techniques, so CPW proposes a change in the objective range to 8,500 - 10,500 elk.
Since the GMUs in this DAU offer over-the-counter licenses during the archery and rifle seasons, CPW expects to maintain the current sex-ratio objective for the Yellow Creek elk herd at 18 - 25 bulls per 100 cows.
The deer and elk draft plans are open to public comment through Thursday, Feb. 21. Please submit public comments to Genevieve Fuller at [email protected].
Click here to view the Rifle Creek deer herd management plan.
Click here to view the Bookcliffs deer herd management plan.
Click here to view the Yellow Creek elk herd management plan.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 43 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.