Living with Wildlife
Common Human-Wildlife Conflict Species
If wildlife is causing damage to crops, real or personal property, or livestock - landowners (or any employee or agent of the landowner) may hunt, trap, or take certain wildlife on lands owned or leased by the person without securing a license, though a permit may be required. The information below notes what is restricted by state statutes and permitted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife regulations; however, local laws and ordinances may be more specific about what is allowed at a certain location. The more restrictive laws and regulations must always be followed.
Living with Wildlife
What Animals May Be Considered Nuisance Species?
CPW does not require nor request the removal of wildlife deemed a nuisance; the determination that a species has become a nuisance and should be removed is the prerogative of the landowner. There are many non-lethal methods for discouraging the presence of wildlife. The animals listed below may be hunted, trapped, or taken on lands owned or leased by the person who is experiencing damage to crops, livestock, or real or personal property.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. All bobcat, or their pelts, shall be personally presented for inspection and must be sealed within 30 days after take, with a seal provided by the Division.

Red Foxes
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take, or relocate by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.
Relocation may occur if:
• CPW has been notified in advance.
• The relocation site is appropriate habitat for the species.
• Permission has been obtained from the landowner or managing agency where the animal will be released.
• The relocation must occur within 2 miles of the capture site

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Prairie Dogs
Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Pocket Gophers
Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Richardson's Ground Squirrels
Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Rock Squirrels
Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel
Without a permit may hunt, trap, or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Tree Squirrels
Without a permit may hunt, trap, take, or relocate by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.
Relocation may occur if:
• CPW has been notified in advance.
• The relocation site is appropriate habitat for the species.
• Permission has been obtained from the landowner or managing agency where the animal will be released.
• The relocation must occur within 10 miles of the capture site

Cottontail Rabbits
Without a permit may hunt, trap, take, or relocate by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.
Relocation may occur if:
• CPW has been notified in advance.
• The relocation site is appropriate habitat for the species.
• Permission has been obtained from the landowner or managing agency where the animal will be released.
• The relocation must occur within 10 miles of the capture site

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Except Preble's Jumping Mouse, without a permit may hunt, trap (with live or body-hold traps), or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Without a permit may hunt, trap (with live or body-hold traps), or take, including with poisons and toxicants by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Ground Squirrels
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Any person may kill skunks when necessary to protect life or property. State health laws do not permit relocation. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Exotic Wildlife
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Marsupial. Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage. The pelts or hides may be transferred, possessed, traded, bartered, or sold by any person who holds an appropriate small game or furbearer license.

Mountain Lions
CAN NOT be destroyed when they are causing damage to personal property, including pets.
CAN be killed when it is NECESSARY to prevent them from inflicting death, damage or injury to livestock, human life, real property, or a motor vehicle.
Any wildlife killed shall remain the property of the state, and such killing shall be reported to CPW within five days.

Black Bears
CAN NOT be destroyed when they are causing damage to personal property, including pets.
CAN be killed when it is NECESSARY to prevent them from inflicting death, damage or injury to livestock, human life, real property, or a motor vehicle.
Any wildlife killed shall remain the property of the state, and such killing shall be reported to CPW within five days.

Black-Billed Magpies
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Common Crows
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

English or House Sparrows
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Rock Pigeons
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.. Also known as common pigeons.

Exotic Wildlife
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

A federal permit is required before any lethal control methods can be employed. In addition to the federal permit, citizens must inform the local Colorado Parks and Wildlife officer when, where, and the type of lethal control that will be used.

Canada geese
Any activities that result in handling, damage, or destruction of geese, or their eggs or nests, require permits. Individuals can register online to obtain a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to destroy eggs and nests of breeding Canada geese on their property.

Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Tiger Salamanders
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Common Snapping Turtles
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Exotic Wildlife
Without a permit to hunt, trap or take by landowner or their agent on private property experiencing damage.

Any person may kill rattlesnakes when necessary to protect life or property. State health laws do not permit relocation.
Living with Wildlife
How to Manage Nuisance Wildlife
This information refers to what is restricted by state statutes and permitted by CPW regulations; however, local laws and ordinances may be more specific about what is allowed at a certain location. It is your responsibility to determine whether a particular method is legal in your city, county or homeowners association.
Firearms are the most common method of controlling nuisance species, however, other methods may be used. You must check with your local authorities on the laws that apply to discharging a firearm or using any of the below methods.
- Rifle, handgun, or shotgun
- Handheld bows and crossbows
- Air guns and slingshots
CPW Regulations
- WCR 1700 (V), (W)
- WCR 1702 (B)
- WCR 17122
State Statues
- 33-3-106 (3)
- 33-6-203 (1)
Species Allowed to Be Taken With Toxicants and Poisons
- Richardson's ground squirrel
- Rock squirrel
- Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
- Pocket gopher
- Marmot
- Black-tailed, white-tailed, and Gunnisons prairie dogs
- Most rats and mice
Toxicant and Poison Rules
Some poisons and toxicants are available over the counter. You must follow label instructions. Poisons may only be used for species indicated on the box, and application directions must be followed in order for poison to be lawful. Regardless of whether a poison or toxicant is legal by statute, it is your responsibility to check with local authorities about restrictions on specific poisons and toxicants at your location.
CPW Regulations
- WCR 17122 (C)
State Statutes
- 33-6-130
- 33-6-209
Live Traps
Except as outlined below, the only types of traps that may be used are LIVE traps (cage or box traps). Small game and furbearers captured in live traps cannot be moved from the capture site and must be killed or released on site when the trap is checked (except cottontail rabbits, tree squirrels, or raccoons).
Landowners, and others authorized by statute, may be eligible for a 30-day trapping permit where certain body grip devices, cable device traps, foothold traps, etc. can be used in order to protect commercial livestock and/or commercial crop production.
Body Grip Traps
You can use body grip devices/traps for mice (except Preble's meadow jumping mouse), rats, and birds without a permit.
Small Game, Game Reptiles and Furbearers
Small game (except game birds), game reptiles and furbearers may be trapped day or night. All live traps must be visually checked at least once every day. For landowners trapping under a 30 day exemption-trap checks vary, refer to Wildlife Regulations Chapter 17.
CPW Regulations
- WCR 302 (B)
- WCR 17122 (D), (E), (G)
State Statutes
- 33-6-203
- 33-6-204
- 33-6-205
- 33-6-206
- 33-6-207
- 33-6-208
Wildlife You can Relocate Without a Permit
- Cottontail rabbits and tree squirrels can be relocated up to 10 miles from the capture site,
- Raccoons can be relocated up to two miles away from the capture site.
You must notify Colorado Parks and Wildlife in advance and secure permission from the landowner or managing agency where the animal will be released ahead of time. Relocation sites must be appropriate habitats for the species.
Relocation Permits
To relocate all other species, you must obtain a Relocation Permit from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
CPW Regulations
- WCR 17122 (B)
Living with Wildlife
Domestic Ducks, Geese and Other Animals
Colorado Parks and Wildlife does not manage domestic species of ducks, geese, rats, mice, European ferrets, pigeons, guinea fowl, peafowl and other animals. Check with your county or city’s municipal code for restrictions on domestic animals.
More Resources
Living in Colorado means living with wildlife, which brings with it many amazing opportunities, but also some challenges. Colorado Parks and Wildlife offers additional resources to help educate and inform citizens and visitors on how to live harmoniously with wildlife.
Living with Wildlife
Learn more about living with wildlife in Colorado, including how to protect your home and pets, rules around feeding wildlife, and what do to if you find injured or young wildlife.
Find out moreGame Damage
The Game Damage Program is a Colorado Parks and Wildlife prevention and reimbursement program that compensates ranchers, farmers and landowners for damage caused by wildlife. While the Game Damage Program does not cover damage caused by nuisance species, it does apply to damage caused by big game, including black bear and mountain lion.
Find out more