Children sitting at a picnic table, learning about wildlife.

In the Classroom

Preschool Curriculum

Teachers with students in preschool can find wildlife projects and resources to add to their classroom curriculum.

K-12 Programs

Project WILD

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project WILD is a focused conservation and environmental education program designed for students in Pre K-12. Project WILD resources are a field tested supplemental curriculum that aligns with the latest academic standards. To learn more about the curriculum, available guides, and other resources, visit the National Project WILD website.

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Teachers can receive environmental education training from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

Find out more

Print and Post in Your Classroom! Or at Home!

Colorado Wildlife—A to Z

Do your kids know more about the animals of the world than they know about Colorado's animals? These alphabet sets are a fun way to introduce kids to Colorado wildlife or help strengthen current knowledge. Each alphabet set consists of ten images, in the .jpg graphics format, to print on an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet. Set your printer options to landscape format and choose a color print quality. . . and print!


Zaner-Bloser Style - ​Block letters

A,B  C-E   F-H   I-K   L,M  N-P  Q-S  T-V  W,X  Y,Z


D'Nealian Style - Script letters

A,B  C-E  F-H  I-K  L,M  N-P Q-S  T-V W,X Y,Z

Video: Virtual Programs for Schools - CPW

Virtual Programs for Schools

Sign up for a free, interactive virtual program for your preschool classroom. We currently are offering standards aligned programs on adaptations​, ecosystems and mapping, with more topics to be added soon!

Coloring Sheets

    Boreal Toad

    Leopard Frog

    Boreal Toad

    Leopard Frog

    American Dipper

    Bald Eagle

    Barn Owls

    Burrowing Owls

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Horned Owl

    Lark Bunting


    Mountain Bluebirds

    Mountain Plover

    American Dipper

    Bald Eagle

    Barn Owls

    Burrowing Owls

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Horned Owl

    Lark Bunting


    Mountain Bluebirds

    Mountain Plover

    Brook Trout

    Brown Trout

    Cutthroat Trout

    Humpback Chub

    Lake Trout

    Brook Trout

    Brown Trout

    Cutthroat Trout

    Humpback Chub

    Lake Trout

    Abert's Squirrel



    Bighorn Sheep

    Black Bears

    Black-footed Ferret



    Mountain Goats

    Mountain Lion

    Prairie Dogs


    Wildlife Babies​ - Fawn

    Wildlife Babies - Raccoons

    Abert's Squirrel



    Bighorn Sheep

    Black Bears

    Black-footed Ferret



    Mountain Goats

    Mountain Lion

    Prairie Dogs


    Wildlife Babies​ - Fawn

    Wildlife Babies - Raccoons

    Collared Lizard

    Tiger Salamander

    Western Hognose Snake

    Western Painted Turtle

    Collared Lizard

    Tiger Salamander

    Western Hognose Snake

    Western Painted Turtle

    Planning Your Outdoor Classroom

    If you are interested in creating an outdoor classroom, the following are great resources to help get you started.


    This Canadian organization has an abundance of school ground greening resources for teachers, including planning and design information, lesson plans, maintenance tips, case studies and much more. Don't start from scratch - let Evergreen help!

    Find out more

    Boston Schoolyard Initiative

    Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) recommends the planning resources from the Boston Schoolyard Initiative to help with understanding GOCO's School Play Yard Initiative.

    Find out more

    The Acorn Naturalists Planning Guide

    The Acorn Naturalists Planning Guide for Habitat Enhancement on School Grounds.

    Find out more