A guide instructing a group of rafters.
River Outfitters
Become a River Outfitter
The River Outfitter Licensing Program (ROL) enacts the rules and regulations necessary to:
- License river outfitters
- Regulate river outfitters
- Ensure the safety of associated river-running activities
- Carry out the river outfitter licensing program
To become a river outfitter in Colorado, you must apply for a license with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. All guides must work for a licensed outfitter.
Apply for a River Outfitter License
All river outfitters operating in Colorado are required to first obtain a river outfitter license from Colorado Parks & Wildlife. River outfitter license applications are accepted November 1 through December 31 of the year before the valid license date, and January 1 through January 31 of the calendar year. An application filed after January 31 will be considered a late application and a late filing fee applies in addition to the license fee. View a demo with instructions for help accessing the online application. Before filling out your application for a license, please review the Application Demo video and Application User Guide.
Fishing Oufitters Register with DORA
Fishing outfitters must register with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) - Office of Outfitters. A DORA fishing outfitter license number is required to apply for a river outfitter license.
Apply for a Federal Permit
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Special Recreation Permits
BLM Special Recreation Permits are issued to businesses, organizations, and individuals to allow the use of specific public land and related waters for commercial, competitive, and organized group use.
US Forest Service Special Use Permits
Recreation special use permits are required for any activity that will occur on National Forest System lands when:1. The proponent/applicant intends to charge an entry or participation fee, or
2. The primary purpose is the sale of a good or service and, in either case, regardless of whether the use or activity is intended to produce a profit.
Review River Outfitter Licensing Laws
River Outfitter Records Forms

Out of State Trained Guide Form
This is only acceptable for guides who received adequate training outside of Colorado. Guides trained in Colorado in 1985 or later must have a completed Minimum Guide Qualification form.
Download Form
On River Log Form
This form is used to document all experience as a river guide, trip leader or guide instructor after completion of the River Guide Minimum Qualifications Form.
Download Form
In-State Missing Guide Record Affidavit
Use this affidavit to document required training and river experience in the event that a guide’s initial documentation is lost, destroyed, or missing.
Download FormOutfitters Boat Incident Report
Complete and mail by Hand. Any accidents that occurred within the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area will be forwarded to them immediately.
Download Form
Minimum Guide Qualifications
This form is used to document the training and river experience necessary to be a commercial river guide in the State of Colorado.
Download FormInspections
For additional information, call 303-791-1954.
Inspection Forms
Historical Memorandums of Understanding
Outfitter Associations
You can check out the outfitter association pages for more information on currently registered outfitters.
Colorado River Outfitters Association
Find out moreColorado Outfitters Association
Find out more
Water and Stream Flows
Arkansas River
River outfitters and guides who will be working on the Arkansas River can find information about river flows on the Arkansas Headwater Recreation Area's water flow page.
Outfitter Licenses
Is Your Outfitter Licensed?
Check to see if your river outfitter has a current license.
Contact Us
- Grant Brown
- River Outfitter Licensing Program Coordinator
- 303-791-1954
- [email protected]
Contact Us
- Michael Haskins
- Swift Water Investigator
- 720-622-4126
- [email protected]