Harvest Information Program

Who Needs to Register?
Hunters must register with the Harvest Information Program before hunting:
- Small game
- Migratory birds
- Falconers
- Coyotes
- Hunters planning to use their small game license to hunt or trap will need to register before they can legally hunt or trap
- Hunters that pursue furbearers (excluding coyotes) are no longer required to register
- If you will not hunt small game in Colorado during the season, you do not need to register
- If you are using your small game license as a qualifying license for the big game applications only, and will not hunt small game in Colorado in 2024, you do not need to register.
- Spring turkey hunters do not need to register.

Hunting Band-tailed Pigeon and Sandhill Crane
While you are purchasing your small game license and completing HIP, please remember to add a band-tailed pigeon and/or sandhill crane permit to your cart prior to completing your purchase, if applicable.
How to Register for the Harvest Information Program
The 2024 HIP registration process opened on March 1, 2024.
When you buy your license online at CPWShop.com or at a CPW office, a HIP validation will print on your license. You can also use the automated phone system at 1-855-521-3050 to register, but must have already purchased a small game license. If you buy your license at an external sales agent, before you hunt small game, you must go online to CPWShop.com, log in to your account, and add HIP to your cart to access the HIP questionnaire or go in to any CPW office that sells licenses and complete the survey to add the HIP registration to your account. You can also complete the HIP registration via the automated phone system at 1-855-521-3050. See more details on each process below.
Hunters who do not have a HIP registration on their account may be warned and then ticketed for non-compliance with the program. The fine is $70.52 and, in addition, 5 points will be assessed against your hunting privileges.
When you purchase your small game license on our website cpwshop.com , just add HIP to your cart, along with other permits you may need. Once you select HIP, you will need to complete your registration by answering a series of questions. Your HIP validation will print on your license when you complete your small game purchase.
Register Online TodayPhone
Call 1-855-521-3050 to register for HIP. Note, this is an automated phone system, and not the live operator system we have used in past years. In addition, you must have already purchased a small game license to register online or via this automated phone service. We recommend having your license in front of you when you call as it will ask for your CID #.
Purchased a License from an External Agent
In this case, HIP will not print on your paper license, but a HIP registration will be present on your account and print on future licenses. After you buy your license you must go online to cpwshop, log in to your account, and add HIP to your cart to access the HIP questionnaire or go in to any CPW office that sells licenses and complete the survey to add the HIP registration to your account. You can also complete the HIP registration via the automated phone system at 1-855-521-3050.
Special Licenses and Permit Holders
Hunters who apply for a Disability License will be informed that they should sign up for HIP annually at the time they receive their license. CPW has replaced the sandhill crane HIP registration number with a sandhill crane permit in CPW’s license system.
Register Online TodayHearing Impaired Hunters
Simply log in to your account at cpwshop.com, add HIP to your cart and complete the HIP questionnaire to register.
Register Online