5-Year Season Structure

Every five years, the Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission) adopts a Big Game Season Structure to provide an overall framework for hunting. 
Two bull elk with velvet on their antlers.

Planning Process

Big game management in Colorado is built on several planning processes, all of which are approved by the Commission:

Herd management plans.

Herd Management Plans

Herd Management Plans (HMPs) establish long-term objectives for big game species in specific geographic areas (Data Analysis Units) through a public process, using the best scientific information on populations and habitat conditions.

Annual License Recommendations.

Annual License Recommendations

Annual license recommendations are set annually via regulation and are based on Herd Management Plan objectives.

Big Game Season Structure Policies .

Big Game Season Structure Policies

Big Game Season Structure policies define a framework for achieving Herd Management Plan objectives through a ​variety of hunting opportunities and seasons. ​

What's the purpose of the Big Game Season Structure Process?

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) uses a five-year Big Game Season Structure (BGSS) as a framework for annual big game hunting regulations. 

Establishes a multi-year big game hunting framework:

  • What types of hunting opportunities will be available.
  • When opportunities will be available.
  • Where opportunities will be available.
  • How the opportunities will be divided amongst methods of take.
A car passes by two bull elk.

5-Year Big Game Season Structure

Public Input

CPW has carefully considered all input received from the public meetings, telephone town halls, focus groups and two public comment forms to inform this season structure framework. Through this process we heard from several thousand hunters, both residents and non-residents. A summary of the public's input was presented to the Commission for final recommendations and adoption.

5-Year Big Game Season Structures