Colorado River
State Park in Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado
Water Type:
The iconic Colorado River below Gore Canyon offers a variety of fishing experiences. Downstream of Glenwood Springs, incognito pull-outs along I-70 provide shore anglers exclusive access to a stretch of river celebrated for the gregarious rainbow trout that have returned with enthusiasm to this reach.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Colorado River
State Park in Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado
Water Type:
The iconic Colorado River below Gore Canyon offers a variety of fishing experiences. Downstream of Glenwood Springs, incognito pull-outs along I-70 provide shore anglers exclusive access to a stretch of river celebrated for the gregarious rainbow trout that have returned with enthusiasm to this reach.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Body of Water
From Rock Creek downstream to Silt Boat Ramp .
The iconic Colorado River below Gore Canyon offers a variety of fishing experiences. From the bottom of Gore Canyon to Dotsero, this scenic wild river can be accessed along the Colorado River Road, a less traveled but well-maintained gravel road provides access to shorelines and boat ramps to launch boats to fish the river. More developed surroundings in Glenwood Canyon and through the town of Glenwood Springs provide paved trails and parks for easy public access to this extraordinary quality trout river. Downstream of Glenwood Springs, incognito pull-outs along I-70 provide shore anglers exclusive access to a stretch of river celebrated for the gregarious rainbow trout that have returned with enthusiasm to this reach. As well, boat anglers can take a few hours or the whole day to float and fish between the variety of public boat ramps between west-slopes towns, including Glenwood Springs, New Castle, Silt, and Rifle.
Special Regulations
From Rock Creek downstream to Silt boat ramp (excluding 50 yards upstream and downstream of the confluences with Canyon, Elk, Grizzly and No Name Creeks):
1. The bag and possession limit for trout is two fish.
2. There is no bag or possession limit for channel catfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye, green sunfish, bluegill, bullhead, yellow perch or crappie.
From 50 yards upstream and downstream of the confluences with Canyon, Elk, Grizzly and No Name Creeks:
1. The bag and possession limit for trout is two fish.
2. Fishing is prohibited from March 15 through May 31 and from October 1 through November 30.
3. There is no bag or possession limit for channel catfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye, green sunfish, bluegill, bullhead, yellow perch or crappie.
Help Protect Colorado's Waters!
Invasive species damage Colorado's lands and waters, hurt the economy, ruin recreational opportunities, result in a loss of property values and threaten public health. They consume enormous amounts of water reducing the supply for livestock, wildlife, and humans. They impede water distribution systems for municipal, industrial, and agricultural supplies. They can damage boats, gear and fishing equipment, and impair all forms of water based recreation. They displace wildlife habitat and reduce forage, shelter and range for big game and other native species.
Vigilance can stop Invasive Species from doing more damage!