Eagle River
State Park in Eagle County, Colorado
Water Type:
High-quality trout fishing opportunities easily accessible along the I-70 corridor.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Eagle River
State Park in Eagle County, Colorado
Water Type:
High-quality trout fishing opportunities easily accessible along the I-70 corridor.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Body of Water
From Gore Creek downstream to confluence with Colorado River
The lower Eagle River provides a variety of high-quality trout fishing opportunities easily accessible along the I-70 corridor. Due to its lower elevation and milder winter weather, shore and wade angling is available almost year-round. As the snowmelt declines in late spring to early summer, the elevated seasonal flows provide excellent float angling opportunities from Wolcott to just below Gypsum. Angler access is strongly supported by CPW and Eagle County, both of which have developed ample opportunities for anglers to access productive fishing spots between public lands held by BLM from Wolcott down to the Colorado River.
Special Regulations
From Gore Creek down to the I-70 Exit 147 bridge in the Town of Eagle:
1. The bag and possession limit for trout is two fish.
From the I-70 Exit 147 bridge in the Town of Eagle down to the Colorado River:
1. The bag and possession limit for trout is two fish.
2. There is no bag or possession limit for channel catfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye, green sunfish, bluegill, bullhead, yellow perch or crappie.
Help Protect Colorado's Waters!
Invasive species damage Colorado's lands and waters, hurt the economy, ruin recreational opportunities, result in a loss of property values and threaten public health. They consume enormous amounts of water reducing the supply for livestock, wildlife, and humans. They impede water distribution systems for municipal, industrial, and agricultural supplies. They can damage boats, gear and fishing equipment, and impair all forms of water based recreation. They displace wildlife habitat and reduce forage, shelter and range for big game and other native species.
Vigilance can stop Invasive Species from doing more damage!