Jackson Lake
State Park in Morgan County, Colorado
Water Type:
This reservoir arguably offers the best current warmwater fishing opportunity for walleye, saugeye, and wiper on Colorado's Northeastern Plains. Spring offers a good walleye and saugeye bite and as water temperatures rise anglers begin catching good numbers of wiper. Over the past few years a handful of very large wiper have been caught.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Jackson Lake
State Park in Morgan County, Colorado
Water Type:
This reservoir arguably offers the best current warmwater fishing opportunity for walleye, saugeye, and wiper on Colorado's Northeastern Plains. Spring offers a good walleye and saugeye bite and as water temperatures rise anglers begin catching good numbers of wiper. Over the past few years a handful of very large wiper have been caught.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Body of Water
This reservoir is located within Jackson Lake State Park which provides camping and other recreational opportunities as well.
Special Regulations
1. The minimum size for wipers is 15 inches in length.
2. The minimum size for crappie is 10 inches in length.
3. The minimum size for walleye and saugeye is 15 inches in length.
4. No more than one walleye or saugeye in the aggregate greater than 21 inches in length may be taken per day.
5. Fishing in the outlet ditch immediately below the dam around the rotary screen structure is prohibited.
6. Ice fishing shelters must be portable.

Help Protect Colorado's Waters!
Invasive species damage Colorado's lands and waters, hurt the economy, ruin recreational opportunities, result in a loss of property values and threaten public health. They consume enormous amounts of water reducing the supply for livestock, wildlife, and humans. They impede water distribution systems for municipal, industrial, and agricultural supplies. They can damage boats, gear and fishing equipment, and impair all forms of water based recreation. They displace wildlife habitat and reduce forage, shelter and range for big game and other native species.
Vigilance can stop Invasive Species from doing more damage!