Monument Reservoir
State Park in Las Animas County, Colorado
Water Type:
Anglers can expect good to excellent fishing for most trout species stocked in Colorado including tiger trout, splake, kokanee salmon, rainbow, and brown trout. These reservoirs [North and Monument] provide a unique opportunity to fish a “trout-only” lake on the east slope of the divide.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Monument Reservoir
State Park in Las Animas County, Colorado
Water Type:
Anglers can expect good to excellent fishing for most trout species stocked in Colorado including tiger trout, splake, kokanee salmon, rainbow, and brown trout. These reservoirs [North and Monument] provide a unique opportunity to fish a “trout-only” lake on the east slope of the divide.
Stocking Report:
Common Species:
Body of Water
Unique opportunities exist here as most other water bodies are both cold- and warm-water fisheries. Both of these lakes also provide great ice-fishing opportunities.
For more information, check out the City of Trinidad - Monument Lake Resort.
Special Regulations
1. Snagging of kokanee salmon is permitted from October 1 through December 31.

Help Protect Colorado's Waters!
Invasive species damage Colorado's lands and waters, hurt the economy, ruin recreational opportunities, result in a loss of property values and threaten public health. They consume enormous amounts of water reducing the supply for livestock, wildlife, and humans. They impede water distribution systems for municipal, industrial, and agricultural supplies. They can damage boats, gear and fishing equipment, and impair all forms of water based recreation. They displace wildlife habitat and reduce forage, shelter and range for big game and other native species.
Vigilance can stop Invasive Species from doing more damage!