Wolf Technical Working Group
CPW Committee
Mission & Purpose:
Wolf Technical Working Group
Mission & Purpose:
Technical Working Group Recommendations
Final Report
Find out moreMeet the Group

Scott Becker, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wyoming Wolf Coordinator
Scott switched to strictly wolf management in 2008, working for both WGFD and then the USFWS, where he coordinated and directed wolf management activities around Cody, Wyoming between 2008 and 2012.

Alan Bittner, Bureau of Land Management
Deputy State Director, Resources
Alan Bittner serves as the Deputy State Director for Resources and Planning at the BLM State Office in Colorado.

Stewart Breck, National Wildlife Research Center
Research Wildlife Biologist
Dr. Stewart Breck, Research Wildlife Biologist, is a researcher for the USDA-National Wildlife Research Center and his research is focused on carnivore ecology and behavior and minimizing conflict between carnivores and people.

Roblyn Brown, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Wolf Program Coordinator
For the last 12 years, Roblyn has been working for the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) implementing the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan.

Wayne East, Colorado Department of Agriculture
Agricultural/Wildlife Liaison
Wayne oversees programs that impact the agriculture and wildlife interface including Chronic Wasting Disease, Aquaculture, and Depredation.

Justin Gude, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Research and Technical Services Bureau Chief
Justin has been involved in wolf predator-prey, population dynamics, monitoring, harvest, and depredation research and management for 25 years.

Jonathan Houck, Gunnison County
County Commissioner
Johnathan formed and led the County Coalition for the Gunnison Sage Grouse, a collaborative of 10 southwest Colorado counties and one SE Utah County working to improve habitat and opportunities for recovery of the species.

Mike Jimenez, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wolf Biologist, Retired
Mike was a field biologist and the project leader for wolf recovery in Wyoming for 18 years and project leader for the entire northern Rocky Mountains for 5 years.

Merrit Linke
Grand County Commissioner
Merrit is a member of the Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council (RAC) and serves as vice-chair of the Grand County Wildfire Council.

Steve Lohr, United States Forest Service
Renewable Resources Director, Rocky Mountain Region

Martin Lowney, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, State Director
Martin has been the state director for the Wildlife Services programs in Colorado, New York, and Virginia and held other positions in Mississippi, Alabama and other states.

Carter Niemeyer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Idaho Wolf Recovery Manager, Retired
Carter was chosen as the wolf management specialist for USDA Wildlife Services covering the states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

Eric Odell, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Species Conservation Program Manager
Eric has worked for Colorado Parks and Wildlife as a Habitat Biologist based in an NRCS field office, as a Conservation Biologist, as the Grassland Coordinator and now as the Species Conservation Program Manager for Carnivores.

Mike Phillips, Rocky Mountain Wolf Project
Mike worked for the U.S. Department of Interior leading historic efforts to restore red wolves to the southeastern US and gray wolves to the Yellowstone National Park.

John Sanderson, Colorado State University
Director, Center for Collaborative Conservation
John has been doing conservation work in the West for over 25 years, including at the Colorado Natural Heritage Program and at The Nature Conservancy.

Doug Smith, National Park Service
Senior Wildlife Biologist, Yellowstone National Park
Doug supervises the wolf, bird and elk programs – formerly three jobs now combined into one under Doug’s supervision.

Robin Young, Colorado State University Extension Service
Archuleta County Extension Director, Natural Resources and Agricultural agent
Robin served as the lead for the Natural Resources planning and reporting unit that led to a collaboration with the Center For Collaborative Conservation, the Center for Human Carnivore Coexistence, APHIS, and the Warner College of Natural Resources to address Wolf Education in Colorado.