Mt. Shavano Hatchery
Facility Type:
Daily, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Guided tours
- Self-guided tours
7725 County Rd 154
Salida, CO 81201
United States
Mt. Shavano Hatchery
Facility Type:
Daily, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Guided tours
- Self-guided tours
7725 County Rd 154
Salida, CO 81201
United States
Video: Touring the Mt. Shavano State Fish Hatchery
Mt. Shavano State Fish Hatchery
One of the largest trout units in the state, Mt. Shavano Hatchery annually produces approximately 520,000 Whirling Disease negative catchable (10 inch) trout, and about 2.5 million subcatchable (2-5 inches) trout and kokanee salmon. Rainbow trout, Snake River cutthroat, cutthroat/rainbow crosses (cutbow), as well as kokanee salmon are raised at the unit. Mt Shavano Hatchery personnel also operate the nearby Mt. Ouray Hatchery and Salida Isolation Unit. The Mt. Ouray Hatchery produces subcatchable rainbow trout and kokanee salmon and the Salida Isolation Unit produces the greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado's State Fish.

Fingerling trout in a tank.
Growing Fish
Purchased in 1956, the Mt. Shavano Hatchery is one of the largest trout units in the state. Mt. Shavano produces approximately 500,000 whirlingdisease-negative, catchable (10-inch) trout and about 2 million subcatchable fish (2−5 inches) per year. Species such as rainbow, Snake River cutthroat, cutthroat-rainbow crosses and kokanee salmon are raised at the unit. Fish receive high-protein, vitamin-rich pellet feed, 2−10 times daily, depending on the size of the fish. It takes 12−14 months of intensive culture to produce a 10-inch trout. Fish are loaded into 1,000-gallon tanks on f latbed diesel trucks. T hese fish are planted in lakes, reservoirs and rivers throughout Colorado. Water for the raceways, ponds and hatchery troughs is supplied from large underground springs. The water temperature varies little, with a seasonal average of 50 degrees F.
Visitors Welcome!
- Visitor Center featuring local fish and wildlife
- Guided tours are given, daily, 10am to 4pm, Memorial Day through Labor Day. (For large groups, please contact the hatchery.)
- Self-guided tours year-round
- Fish and Wildlife brochures
- 'Feed the Fish' fish food dispensers
- Fishing at nearby Frantz, Sands, and Riverside lakes and on the Arkansas River

A photo overlooking the Mt. Shavano Fish Hatchery.
Working Together
Today, Mt. Shavano, Mt. Ouray and the Salida Isolation Unit work together with the other 17 hatcheries operated by Colorado Parks and Wildlife to breed, hatch, rear and stock over 90 million fish per year. Many of the fish produced are to enhance angling opportunities, while others serve a critical role in native species recovery efforts. Colorado fish hatcheries support our angling pastime, which annually contributes 1.9 billion dollars to our state's economy!

Your Fishin’ Is Our Mission!
Colorado’s Fish Stocking Program
Since 1881, Colorado Parks & Wildlife fish hatcheries have been dedicated to improving the fish populations of our beautiful state. Today, CPW operates 19 hatcheries that breed, hatch, rear and stock over 90 million fish per year. Many of the fish produced are to enhance angling opportunities, while others serve a critical role in native species recovery efforts. Colorado fish hatcheries support our angling pastime, which contributes 2.4 billion dollars annually to our state's economy!