Hunting Bighorn Sheep

Thanks to decades of dedicated conservation efforts, Colorado’s iconic bighorn sheep are once again abundant with an estimated statewide population of more than 7,000 animals. Today bighorn sheep are mostly restricted to foothills, canyons and high mountains. They do not pioneer new range or move to new habitats easily. In the last half of the 20th century, sheep management focused on restoring bighorn to their historic range by transplanting some from larger, stronger herds. Wildlife managers emphasize maintaining healthy populations by enhancing habitat and managing disease.
A close up of a bighorn sheep ram.

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A bighorn sheep ram.

A bighorn sheep ram.

Bighorn Sheep Licenses

If you harvest a Rocky Mountain bighorn ram (must have a halfcurl or more), you must wait five years (sixth year after harvest) before applying for another Rocky Mountain bighorn ram license. During the five-year waiting period, hunters may apply for ewe licenses, but cannot accrue preference points. This rule does not apply if you harvest a ram with an auction, raffle or special sheep management license. 

REMEMBER: You cannot apply for a Rocky Mountain bighorn and desert bighorn in the same year.

Video: 2025 Colorado Big Game Hunting - Primary Limited License Draw Tips

Apply Now!

Primary Limited License Draw

Colorado big-game hunters, this year, the application period opens on March 1, 2025, and closes on April 1 at 8 p.m. Mountain Time. Get your application in early in case you need to make changes, and avoid any last-minute stress. 

Preparing for this year’s big game primary draw? As you plan your next limited license hunt, here’s some pointers from our customer service center. We break down the checklist of what you need, along with other tips to keep in mind as you’re applying.

License, Application Processing & Habitat Stamp Fees

    Habitat Stamps

    2025 Habitat Stamp (required & nonrefundable)

    Only one is required per person, ages 18–64, per year buying or applying for a license.


    Lifetime Habitat Stamp


    Qualifying Licenses


    All applicants, including youth, must purchase a qualifying hunting license to apply for the big-game draw.

    Spring turkey



    Spring turkey



    Annual small game



    Annual small game



    Senior small game/fishing combo

    (residents age 64+)


    Annual small-game license for senior lifetime and senior low-income annual fishing license holders

    (Senior Columbine or Centennial lifetime fishing license holders only)


    Veteran lifetime combo

    (residents only, New 50% disabled or Purple Heart recipient)


    First responder lifetime combo

    (residents only, permanent occupational disability)


    Preference & Weighted Point Fee

    Resident (age 18 or older)



    Resident application processing fee

    (per species & nonrefundable)


    Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep


    Desert bighorn sheep


    All license fees include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee and a $1.50 fee for the Wildlife Education Fund, when applicable. Reminder: If you draw a sheep or goat license, your credit card or CPW gift certificate on file in your online account will be charged after the draw.

    Habitat Stamps

    2025 Habitat Stamp (required & nonrefundable)

    Only one is required per person, ages 18–64, per year buying or applying for a license.


    Lifetime Habitat Stamp


    Qualifying Licenses


    All applicants, including youth, must purchase a qualifying hunting license to apply for the big-game draw.

    Spring turkey



    Spring turkey



    Annual small game



    Annual small game



    Preference & Weighted Point Fee

    Nonresident (age 18 or older)



    Nonresident application processing fee

    (per species & nonrefundable)


    Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep/fishing combo

    Fishing portion of nonresident combo licenses is good through March 31, 2026.


    Desert bighorn sheep/fishing combo

    Fishing portion of nonresident combo licenses is good through March 31, 2026.


    Mountain goat/fishing combo

    Fishing portion of nonresident combo licenses is good through March 31, 2026.


    All license fees include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee and a $1.50 fee for the Wildlife Education Fund, when applicable. Reminder: If you draw a sheep or goat license, your credit card or CPW gift certificate on file in your online account will be charged after the draw.

    Need to Know

    What you need to buy a license

    1. Proper identification and proof of residency (for Colorado residents).
    2. Proof of hunter education.
    3. A Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is required for hunters age 12 and older, per federal law.
    4. Habitat Stamp: An annual ($12.47) habitat stamp is automatically  added to a license purchase for anyone ages 18 to 64. Residents with a Colorado lifetime license are exempt.

    Season Dates

    Bighorn Sheep Season Dates

    Hunt dates for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep or desert bighorn sheep vary by license type and hunt location. Always check your physical license and the Colorado Sheep and Goat brochure for specific hunting dates.

    sheep and goat brochure cover.

    Colorado Sheep and Goat Hunting Brochure

    Be sure to read the “What’s New” pages to see a full list of changes on tap for the upcoming hunting seasons.

    Download the Brochure

    License Options

      Limited Licenses

      What are limited licenses?

      Each year, a set (limited) number of licenses is allotted to each game management unit (GMU). Huntable areas are broken down into units called “game management units.” These units help you decide where you'd like to hunt. A GMU map is available on the inside back cover of the Big Game Brochure.

      You can apply for the big game draw(s) to get one of these limited licenses, or after the draws are over, you can purchase a remaining (leftover) limited license when they go on sale. 

      Big Game Draws

       A qualifying license is required prior to applying for limited licenses through the big game draw(s).

      Hunters can submit one application per species to participate in the draw. Applications can include up to four hunt choices to maximize your opportunity to draw a license and hunt. Applicants may only draw one license per species, per draw. 

      Types of Limited Licenses

      Limited licenses include public-land, private-land-only, Ranching for Wildlife (RFW), Bighorn Sheep Access Program (BSAP), season choice and leftover limited licenses. 

      What are weighted preference points?

      Weighted preference points only apply to primary draw applications for moose, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, and mountain goat. One preference point is awarded to each applicant who qualifies for and DOES NOT draw their first-choice limited license. Once a hunter has three regular preference points and fails to draw a first choice license, they will receive a weighted preference point.

      Preference points and weighted preference are awarded for:

      • Moose
      • Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
      • Mountain Goat

      Preference points do not apply to and are not awarded for desert bighorn sheep license applications.

      Weighted Preference Point Fees

      Moose, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and mountain goat have a preference and weighted preference point fee. If you apply for a preference point hunt code as your first choice or are unsuccessful in drawing your first choice hunt, you’ll be charged a $50 resident or $100 nonresident preference point fee. The fee is waived for youth and resident lifetime license holders. 

      Opt Out of a Preference Point

      You will have the option to opt out of paying the preference point fee while filling out your draw application and therefore will not be charged the fee and will not acquire a preference or weighted point. This includes if you apply for a preference point hunt code as your first choice.

      How is weighted preference calculated and used?

      Weighted preference is calculated by converting your application number into a different, random application number, then dividing that new application number by the number of weighted points you have, plus one. Individuals with three preference points and no weighted preference will have their application number divided by one. This generates a new application number. Applications are sorted by this new number from lowest to highest, and low numbers for each hunt code are awarded licenses.

      Auction and Raffle Licenses

      CPW issues special Auction and Raffle Program big game licenses to nonprofit organizations focused on conserving wildlife in Colorado. The funds generated from the sale of these licenses are used for big game habitat enhancement, research, management, and education.

      Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goat Opportunities

      Special auction and raffle licenses are available for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Auction and raffle licenses allows one to hunt during extended seasons in any unit open to hunting a certain species. These licenses are offered by participating wildlife conservation organizations that return at least 75 percent of the proceeds to CPW for research, management and education.

      Apply as a Group

      A group of hunters can apply together for licenses in the primary draw only. Group applications are not accepted for moose, desert bighorn sheep or hybrid draw licenses. Party hunting, or group members taking animals under a different group member’s license, is illegal in Colorado. Group applications do not receive youth preference.

      Group Sizes

      The following are the allowed sizes for group hunts:

      • Elk, Deer, Pronghorn, Bear and Turkey: any number of people.
      • Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep: 2 individuals. Residents and nonresidents may not apply together.
      • Mountain Goat: 2 individuals. Residents and nonresidents may not apply together.

      How to Apply

      Group applications do not increase the probability of drawing licenses. Only submit a group application if everyone in your hunting party is committed to only go hunting if everyone draws. If members of the group plan to hunt anyway if their group application is unsuccessful, please submit individual hunting applications. 

      Group Leader

      One person must be designated as the group leader, and all applications in that group are linked together with the group leader’s CID (customer identification number). If the leader has no CID, they must set up an account with CPW online at, or by calling CPW to get one.

      The group leader must apply first so that the group members’ hunt code choices can be validated. If you are the group leader, select “I am a group leader.”

      Group Members

      All group members must use the same person as the leader in order to go through the draw as a group. All other group members will select “I am hunting in a group” and enter the group leader’s CID. Group members must apply for the same species, hunt code, unit, geographic restrictions, season and method of take for each choice, but may apply for a different sex. Each member must list the same first-choice hunt code and the same second-, third-, and/or fourth-choice hunt codes. These choices must be in the same order on all group applications.

      • Use the same person as the leader in order to go through the draw as a group.
      • All group members will select “I am hunting in a group” and enter the group leader’s CID.
      • Group members must apply for the same species, hunt code, unit, geographic restrictions, season and method of take for each choice, but may apply for a different sex.
      • Each member must list the same first-choice hunt code and the same second-, third-, and/or fourth-choice hunt codes. These choices must be in the same order on all group applications.

      Submitting Group Applications

      The group leader submits their application first, then each hunter submits their application separately under their individual account, putting the group leader’s CID in the appropriate field. When the system validates the group hunt code choices, if there are differences in the number or order of hunt codes on the applications, the leader’s choices will be used instead. If the group leader makes a correction to their application and changes their hunt codes or hunt code order, their changes will override the choices of their group members.

      If anyone in the group makes an application error, everyone in the group is disqualified. Common errors include (but are not limited to): 

      • invalid hunter education information
      • invalid residency information 
      • hunting privilege suspensions

      How Licenses are Awarded

      Each individual application is assigned a six-digit number. Groups are assigned a group number based on the lowest application number in the group and go through the draw based on the group member with the lowest number of preference points. After the group number is randomized, if that number is selected in the draw, and there are enough licenses left for the entire group, everyone in the group gets a license.

      If the group includes resident and nonresident applicants and the nonresident cap has been met, the group will not be awarded licenses.

      If the group is successful for their first choice, each group member will get a license and their preference points drop to zero. If unsuccessful for their first choice, everyone gets a point. Applying for more than one choice gives the group additional chances at hunting together.

      How Group Applicants are Notified

      Awarded licenses and draw results are sent to each individual based on the contact information in their profile on

      Group Applications and License Payment 

      Applicants are only considered a group for the draw. After the draw, if a group member fails to pay for their license or chooses to return it, it does not affect any of the other group members. 


      For information on license refunds, please visit the Hunting License Refunds, Reversals and Exchanges page.

      Opportunities for Everyone

      A young woman and her mentor on an archery hunt.

      Youth Hunters

      Youth (aged 12 to 17) can obtain a Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep preference point for free (the fee is waived for youth).

      A hunter on alert.

      Nonresident Hunters

      Nonresident hunters have a percentage of big game licenses set aside for them. They can also participate in group hunts and a fishing license is included with the purchase of a NR big game license.

      A hunter with binoculars and a hunter holding a rifle.

      Resident Hunters

      Residents have the option to participate in both big game draws, and apply for or purchase hybrid draw licenses, leftover licenses, reissued licenses, over-the-counter licenses, fishing and hunting combo licenses, raffle licenses, group hunts, and ranching for wildlife hunts.

      A hunter holding binoculars stands next to an ATV.

      Hunters Experiencing Disabilities

      Resident hunters experiencing disabilities can request accommodations for visual and physical disabilities to assist with their hunts.

      A hunter and his mentor pose next to a harvested elk.

      New Hunters

      New hunters can apply to go on mentored big game, small game, waterfowl, pheasant, and turkey hunts with the hunter outreach program, participate in a year long hunting experience with the rookie sportsperson program, and continue to broaden their skills past their initial hunter education course with regularly offered hunting classes to practice and hone techniques. Specific classes are also offered for women to learn in a comfortable environment.

      A group of pheasant hunters and their dogs.

      Hunters in the Military

      Colorado residents who are deployed active duty military can apply to purchase leftover hunting licenses or receive a preference point in advance, or apply for a refund if deployed after their purchase. Veterans experiencing disabilities can apply for a lifetime combo fishing hunting license, and apply for accommodation while hunting. Veterans may also apply for big game licenses through the Wounded Warrior program.

      Have you completed your hunter education course?

      Colorado law requires that individuals born on or after January 1, 1949, must complete an approved hunter education course before applying for or purchasing a Colorado hunting license.

      Already taken a hunter education course? Learn more about how to provide proof of completion.


      Take a Hunter Education Class

      Hunter education classes are available in-person in a classroom setting or online with an in-person completion exam.

      Find a Hunter Education Class

      Grow Your Archery Skills

      Hunters that chose archery as their method of take can grow their skills prior to hunting season by taking a bowhunter education class.

      Find a Bowhunter Education Class


      sheep and goat brochure cover.

      Colorado Sheep and Goat Hunting Brochure

      Be sure to read the “What’s New” pages to see a full list of changes on tap for the upcoming hunting seasons.

      Download the Brochure