Big Game Season Structure public meetings to begin May 11, continue through June 29, 2023

Whitetail buck during the 2022 rut - photo courtesy of Wayne D. Lewis
DENVER - Colorado Parks and Wildlife invites the public to have a voice in big game hunting regulation changes that will form the foundation for policy in the years to come. As part of its Big Game Season Structure (BGSS) planning process, CPW will hold a series of in-person open house and town hall meetings across the state as well as virtual meetings for big game hunters to voice their opinions about current BGSS topics under consideration. A full list of meeting dates, locations and times can be found below.CPW is encouraging the public to attend these public meetings to learn about the current BGSS and the potential changes CPW is considering. CPW wants to give the public ample opportunities to provide input and help inform the BGSS planning process. For more information regarding these public meetings, visit our BGSS EngageCPW page.
BGSS topics being discussed at the public meetings include:
- Alternatives regarding over-the-counter archery and rifle elk licenses
- Rifle season date structures for deer and elk
- Early season (archery and muzzleloader) date structures
- Adding rifle deer opportunities to the first regular rifle season
- Adding a second regular rifle buck and doe pronghorn season
Open house meetings will consist of several stations where members of the public can learn more about specific BGSS topics, ask questions, and give verbal feedback directly to staff. Each station will have a different interactive activity that allows attendees to provide input.
Town hall meetings will consist of a PowerPoint presentation and will include live interactive digital polling via smartphones and devices to compile input from attendees on each of the BGSS topics. All attendees are encouraged to bring a smartphone or device to the town hall meetings to better and more fully participate. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions and provide verbal feedback to staff.
What is the Big Game Season Structure planning process and why is it important?
The BGSS planning process is a critical component of big game management and big game hunting regulation development.
The central purpose of the BGSS planning process is to determine:
- What, when, and where types of big game hunting opportunities are available.
- How opportunities are divided among hunters.
How does CPW evaluate BGSS?
CPW evaluates and updates the BGSS by gathering internal and external input, evaluating the current season structure, and identifying emerging issues related to season structure. CPW then uses that information to develop policy recommendations for the upcoming framework. This approach helps ensure the administration of hunting is continuously aligned with big game management needs as well as sportspersons interests.
After all public meetings have concluded, CPW will compile all the public input received into a public outreach summary report. This report will be presented to the Parks and Wildlife Commission during the August Commission meeting. Staff will then begin developing draft BGSS recommendations this fall.
2025 - 2029 Big Game Season Structure Public Meetings List
Northwest Region
Thursday May 11, 6-7:30 p.m. MT; Area 10, Steamboat Springs (open house)
- 925 Weiss Drive, Steamboat Springs, 80487
- CSU Extension Hall, 210 11th Street, Kremmling, 80459
- Mesa County Building, 200 Spruce Street, Grand Junction, 81505
- Glenwood Springs Rec Center, 100 Wulfsohn Rd, Glenwood Springs, 81601
- Eagle Valley Library, 600 Broadway St Eagle, 81631
- Meeker Fire Department, 236 7th Street, Meeker, 81641
Monday, May 22, 6-7:30 p.m. MT; Area 15, Durango (town hall)
- La Plata Room at La Plata County Fairgrounds Durango, 81301
- Montrose Police Department Community Room, 431 S. 1st Street, Montrose, 81401
- Ski Hi Complex, 2335 Sherman Ave, Monte Vista, 81144
- Fred Field Center, 298-278 S Spruce St, Gunnison, 81230
Thursday May 25, 6-7:30 p.m. MT; Area 14, Colorado Springs (town hall)
- CPW Southeast Regional Office, 4255 Sinton Road, Colorado Springs, 80907
- Lathrop State Park, 70 CR 502, Walsenburg, 81089
- Bent County Community Center, 1214 Ambassador Thompson Blvd, Las Animas, 81054
- Chaffee County Archery Range & Browns Canyon Bowhunters, 16201 US Hwy 285 (S of Chaffee Landfill) between MM 136 & 137, Salida, 81201
Thursday, June 8, 6-7:30 p.m. MT; Area 5, Denver (open house)
- CPW Hunter Education Building, 6060 Broadway, Denver, 80216
- Scheels, 4755 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Johnstown, 80534
- Northeastern Junior College, Ballroom, 100 College Ave, Sterling, 80751
Virtual Meeting 1:
- Thursday, June 1, 6-7:30 p.m. MT - register here
- Thursday, June 29, 6-7:30 p.m. MT - register here
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 43 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.