CPW reminds people to remain bear aware this fall as bears become more active

Its fat bear fall! Bears become more active in the fall as they prepare for winter. Do your part by keeping food sources secure to not attract bears to neighborhoods, homes and campsites.
DENVER – Black bears in Colorado are entering hyperphagia and will spend up to 20 hours a day trying to search out and eat as much food as possible as they fatten up for winter. In the coming months, it is critical that people are vigilant and proactive in removing all attractants from outside homes and campsites in order to prevent conflicts and encounters with black bears. Twenty chicken sandwiches, 10 large orders of french fries, 10 soft drinks and 10 milkshakes is the approximate fast food order needed to total 20,000 calories. That is how many calories hyperphagia, an increase in feeding activity driven by biological need, drives a hungry black bear to consume every single day as they pack on the pounds to build up their fat reserves to survive the winter.
Over half of bear incident reports in 2023 occurred in the months of August, September and October. And as bears begin this annual quest to prepare for winter and hunt for food, Coloradans may see more bear activity in urban areas.
Reported conflicts with bears most commonly result from attractants such as trash, bird seed, pet food, and barbecue grills. When bears become too comfortable around people, they can destroy property or even become a threat to human safety.
“Research shows that bears prefer natural sources of food. But they will seek out sources of human-provided food if it’s available which can become dangerous to humans,” said CPW Northwest Region Senior Wildlife Biologist Brad Banulis. “Preventing bears from relying on human food sources takes a community effort, and it's important that we all take proactive steps to limit human food sources in order to avoid any possible conflicts with bears and bear-proof our homes.”
A black bear’s natural diet consists of berries, fruits, nuts, plants and grasses that grow naturally in the foothills and forests. When natural sources of food become scarce, a bear's drive to search for food can overcome its fear of humans.
Become Bear Aware
CPW offers a reminder that by taking some simple precautions, you can avoid human/wildlife conflicts and help to keep bears wild. CPW encourages you to share Bear Aware information with your neighbors and communities.
Bear-proofing your home:
- Keep garbage in a well-secured location. Only put out garbage on the morning of pickup.
- Clean garbage cans regularly to keep them free of food odors: ammonia is effective.
- Keep garage doors closed. Do not leave pet food or stock feed outside.
- Use a bear-resistant trash can or dumpster.
- Bird feeders are a major source of bear/human conflicts. Attract birds naturally with flowers and water baths. Do not hang bird feeders from April 15 to Nov. 15.
- Don’t allow bears to become comfortable around your house. If you see one, haze it by yelling at it, throwing things at it and making loud noises to scare it off.
- Secure compost piles. Bears are attracted to the scent of rotting food.
- Clean the grill after each use, and clean up thoroughly after cookouts.
- If you have fruit trees, don't allow the fruit to rot on the ground.
- Talk to your neighbors and kids about being Bear Aware.
- Lock your doors when you’re away from home and at night.
- Keep the bottom-floor windows of your house closed when you're not at home.
- Do not keep food in your vehicle; roll up windows and lock the doors of your vehicles.
- When car-camping, secure all food and coolers in a locked vehicle.
- Keep a clean camp, whether you’re in a campground or in the backcountry.
- When camping in the backcountry, hang food 100 feet or more from the campsite; don’t bring any food into your tent.
- Cook food well away from your tent; wash dishes thoroughly.
- Keep chickens, bees and livestock in a fully covered enclosure, especially at night.
- Construct electric fencing when possible.
- Don’t store livestock feed outside.
- Keep enclosures clean to minimize animal odors.
- Hang rags soaked in ammonia and/or Pine-Sol around the enclosure as a scent deterrent.
For more information on bears in Colorado, visit cpw.state.co.us/living-bears. If you have questions or need to report bear problems, call your nearest CPW office.
Media resources
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is providing additional resources to assist with media coverage on being Bear Aware in Colorado this year so residents can work towards keeping our bears wild.
The link below contains:
- Facts and figures folder with: 2023 bear incident reports breakdown, bear incident reports progression map, black bears at a glance fact sheet, sample bear incident reports and bear aware materials
- Folders with photos and videos from bear encounters for use by media outlets
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 43 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.