Paonia State Park
State Park in Crawford, CO
Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Entrance Fees:
Daily Vehicle Pass: $10
Individual Daily Pass: $4
Animals Permitted:
- Leashed Dogs
- Service Animals
- Horses
Park Address:
P O Box 147
Crawford, CO 81415
United States
Paonia State Park
State Park in Crawford, CO
Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Entrance Fees:
Daily Vehicle Pass: $10
Individual Daily Pass: $4
Animals Permitted:
- Leashed Dogs
- Service Animals
- Horses
Park Address:
P O Box 147
Crawford, CO 81415
United States

A dog on a pier by the reservoir
Park Highlight
Explore Paonia Reservoir
The park's main attraction is the 334-surface-acre reservoir. Plunge deep into nature at this narrow lake park. Steep mountainsides, pristine water, alpine scenery and peaceful environment make Paonia a haven for water and nature lovers.

Boat Ramp
One boat ramp serves boaters. The boat ramp is on the north end of the reservoir on County Road 2.
Boating and Fishing
Boating activities allowed from June until September, or until the water level drops enough to close the boat ramp (typically in mid-August). The boat ramp is closed every Tuesday.
Short period of fishing in reservoir from mid-June to mid-August. Fly fishing for trout on streams below dam is more productive. Colorado Parks and Wildlife awards anglers who catch big fish. Check out the length and weight records for Paonia.
Ice fishing is not allowed. Stay off the ice. The ice is never safe due to open pot holes and general instability caused by bubbling natural gas.
Fish Species and Bag Limits
See the Fishing Atlas for fishable species at this location and the Fishing Brochure (PDF) for daily bag limits.
Fishing Awards and Records for Paonia
Visit the Fishing Awards and Records page for more records.
Clean Your Gear: Fishing
Help Protect Colorado Waters
Clean Your Gear
Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your fishing gear.
Bring the Brochures with You
Fishing Brochure
Read up on the location you want to fish before you head out.
Download the BrochureLand and Water Regulations Brochure
Have a question about regulations? Check the brochure.
Download the BrochureMandatory Boat Inspections
To boat on the reservoir, a pre-launch boat inspection for aquatic nuisance species (ANS) at the boat ramp, an ANS stamp and a current boat registration are required.
Non-motorized, hand launched kayaks, canoes, rafts, belly boats, float tubes, paddle boards and foldable boats do not need to be inspected.
Inspection Hours
Monday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., unless it's a holiday then follow weekend hours
Tuesday - ramp is closed, unless it's a holiday
Wednesday, Thursday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Aquatic Nuisance Species
Aquatic nuisance species (ANS) are aquatic plants and animals that invade lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams, including zebra mussel, quagga mussel, New Zealand mudsnail, Asian carp, rusty crayfish and more.
Stop the Spread of ANSPaddleboards, Kayaks and Canoes, Inflatable Watercraft
Help Protect Colorado Waters: Clean Your Gear
Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your paddleboard, kayak, canoe or inflatable watercraft.
Water Activities

Jet Skiing
Jet-skis are required to travel in the same counter-clockwise direction as water skiers.
Paddle Boarding
Paddle sports are popular on the reservoir. Don't forget your life jacket.

Water Skiing
When the reservoir is full, you can ski up to two miles in one direction before you have to turn around! Water skiers are required to travel counter-clockwise.

Sail boats are welcome on the reservoir.