Roxborough State Park

State Park in Roxborough, CO


Park: Daily, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.  

Office: Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from May through November. Closed on Mondays from December through April.

Entrance Fees:

Daily Vehicle Pass: $​10
Individual Daily Pass: $4

Animals Permitted:

  • Service Animals
  • Leashed Dogs
  • Horses

Park Address:

4751 East Roxborough Drive
Roxborough, CO 80125
United States


303- 973-3959

[email protected]

Roxborough State Park

State Park in Roxborough, CO


Park: Daily, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.  

Office: Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from May through November. Closed on Mondays from December through April.

Entrance Fees:

Daily Vehicle Pass: $​10
Individual Daily Pass: $4

Animals Permitted:

  • Service Animals
  • Leashed Dogs
  • Horses

Park Address:

4751 East Roxborough Drive
Roxborough, CO 80125
United States


303- 973-3959

[email protected]

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Partial Road Closure -

Be aware there is a partial road closure on Roxborough Park Road due to construction. Construction does not affect the park being open and the park is still accessible from North Rampart Range Road.


Antique farming equipment with the jagged red rocks of Roxborough in the background

Antique farming equipment with the jagged red rocks of Roxborough in the background

Park Highlight

Explore Colorado History

Roxborough State Park is known for its dramatic red rock formations, diversity of wildlife and beautiful flowers that blanket the landscape. ​The archeological history of Roxborough State Park provides a rich storyline of life spanning thousands of years. 


artifacts found

40 +

archaeological sites


National Natural Landmark Designation


Natural Archaeological District Designation


Audubon Important Bird Area Designation

The remains of a wall with a doorway near some red rock formation

Rox Rides

Tour the Historical Sites

Visitors can experience a naturalist guided tour in a five-passenger electric golf cart around the Fountain Valley Trail. The tour features a gorgeous view of our red-rock formations, grassy meadows, a wide variety of wildlife and geological features.​  Rox Rides are offered Mondays and Tuesdays, May through October. Tours are free with the purchase of a park pass. 

A two-week notice is required to secure a driver for all Rox Rides.​ Create a CPWConnect account to make a reservation. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Small children must be in a car seat (not provided).


Roxborough's Cultural Legacy

Four cultures tell us the story of how humans evolved from living in a cooler to a warmer climate, their ability to adapt from what they ate, how they hunted, created shelter and developed societies where they produced goods for trade. 

    Known for large stone spear points, Paleo-Indians were nomadic hunters of Pleistocene mega fauna such as the woolly mammoth and Bison Priscus. The Paleo-Indian culture adapted their technologies, possibly inventing the atlatl to throw stone-tipped darts at smaller, yet still huge, game.

    This culture learned to modify their hunting practices and eating preferences, and lived a more mobile lifestyle because Roxborough State Park offered what they needed to survive with mild temperatures, open water, good animal winter habitat and natural rock overhangs. The atlatl was the preferred weapon of choice. A replicated atlatl is on display inside the Visitor Center.

    This culture offered up technological innovations with the bow and arrow and ceramics, which brought them efficiency in hunting more animals from far away and the ability to store and preserve food.  This culture also began the activity of commerce as they traded their works of everything from pottery to beads. 

    This era was labeled proto-historic since it was the first time of recorded history in writing after the introduction of Europeans.  During this period, the indigenous cultures become exposed to European trade with the introduction of guns and horses, thus providing a rapid cultural and territorial change to the way of life.


    Historical displays of artifacts inside the Roxborough Visitor Center

    Artifacts on Display

    Artifacts and archaeological sites have been documented in the park, mostly of the Archaic and Woodland cultures. Such places include campsites, rock shelters and quarries with artifacts ranging from stone pieces, Clovis and various pottery. Several artifacts are on display inside the park's Visitor Center. ​​

    Two people, one carrying a child in a backpack, hiking.

    Discovering Artifacts

    Any artifacts found while hiking inside Roxborough State Park, please leave them in place and report your findings to the Visitor Center. Collecting artifacts in the park is subject to legal consequences of up to a $500 fine and 30 days in county jail.

    Watercolor illustration of ancient people living amongst the red rock formations at Roxborough

    Donating Artifacts

    If you have artifacts that came from the park, please consider donating them, and you will be given credit as the finder. Please provide circumstances and location of collection if possible.

    The Roxborough Visitor Center

    State Repository

    In 2019, Roxborough officially became a state repository. We are able to store, take care of and use for educational purposes the artifacts found in this park and surrounding areas. We are privileged to be an express trustee of these treasures and to share their stories now and into the future. All cultural or paleontological artifacts found on state lands belong to the state, and the Colorado Historical Society is the official trustee of these artifacts.

    The Roxborough Visitor Center

    National Archaeological Register

    The Colorado Archaeological Society, Denver Chapter, conducted the first archaeological study in 1977, and several other studies have followed, which led to the park being named a National Archaeological Register District in 1983. The National R​egister is the only official national listing of important archeological properties and is a valuable tool in the management and preservation of our country’s archeological history and resources.