Colorado Clays
Shooting Range in Brighton , Colorado
Colorado Clays
Shooting Range in Brighton , Colorado
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Shooting Leagues at Colorado Clays
League shooting is a great way to get together and spend an evening at the shooting range with friends, co-workers and acquaintances. Leagues are also an excellent opportunity to further refine and hone your shooting skills, participate in some informal competition, and joust with fellow shooters in a friendly rivalry – and the camaraderie! What a great way to unwind after a tough day at the office or on the job. Colorado Clays currently runs two league seasons – during the spring and summer months.
Spring Trap League will be a 12-week league from mid-March until mid-June. Summer Trap League will start immediately after Spring Trap League.
Email us at [email protected] to add a team or join an existing team.
Spring Sporting Clays League will be a 12-week league from mid-March until mid-June. Summer Sporting Clays League will start immediately after Spring Sporting Clays League.
Rules and Regulations
- 100 Targets per week that must be shot between 2:30PM and completed by 7:00PM or 30 Minutes prior to Sunset (whichever is earlier) on Wednesday nights.
- No individual shooter rainchecks or makeup dates allowed.
- If you miss a scheduled week or you are unable to shoot that night, you get a “dog score” which will be 5 targets below what your current average score is.
- There are NO refunds for missed weeks or cancellations.
- There must be 4-5 shooters per squad (no individual, two or three person squads). Squads will score for themselves and all scorecards must be turned in at the end of the round or a dog score will be used.
- While you are welcome to shoot with any participants, teams will be setup via a draft style selection. Team captains will complete a ‘draft’ of who is on each team. This allows a fair opportunity for all teams to have the chance to win.
- As this is a competitive fun league with discounted target costs from Colorado Clays, shooters will be held to a STRICT one working show pair per squad.
Summer Bowling Pin League will be a 10-week league from June through August. Please email [email protected] for more information or to register. Cost is $20 per evening with $10 going to payouts for the top 3 shooters each night. There will be a series point system with a grand prize going to the shooter with the most points throughout the league.
We will be shooting steel plates that are shaped like bowling pins. Each night will be a different course of fire. You will shoot center fire pistols, rim fire pistols, rim fire rifles and shotguns throughout the league. Guns are available to borrow, if needed. Please let us know in advance.
Competition and Events
Colorado Clays Shooting Park hosts competition events for handgun, rifle and 3 gun.

Tracks & Scat Scavenger Hunt
Friday, Mar 14
Mueller State Park

Tracks & Scat Scavenger Hunt
Friday, Mar 14
Mueller State Park
Full Moon Hike (1 Mile)
Friday, Mar 14
Full Moon Hike (1 Mile)
Friday, Mar 14

Weekend Birding Walk
Saturday, Mar 15

Weekend Birding Walk
Saturday, Mar 15
Attending a Competition
Violation of rules may result in removal from the premises.
Education and Training
Interested in Competitive Shooting?
/colorado-clays-shooting-range/education-and-training Take a Competitive Shooting Class
Action Pistol Group (APG) is offering a class of instruction in Competitive Shooting. The class is designed for shooters who have never participated in these types of shooting competitions.
It will focus on three major types of pistol competitions:
- International Defensive Pistol (IDPA)
- United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA)
- Steel Challenge (SCSA).
For more information on upcoming courses, see the Colorado Clays Facebook page, contact an instructor or call 303-659-7117.