Trails Committee

CPW Committee

Mission & Purpose:

The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.


​Please send all public comments and messages to [email protected].

Trails Committee

Mission & Purpose:

The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.


​Please send all public comments and messages to [email protected].

Trails Grants

Off-Highway Vehicle Grant
Off-Highway Vehicle Grant

Snowmobile Grants
Snowmobile Grants

Non-Motorized Trails Grant
Non-Motorized Trails Grant

Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant
Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant

Councils and Committees

Trail Grant Application Review Process

The Colorado Recreational Trails Committee (the Committee) is responsible for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s trail grant application review process and makes recommendations to the CPW Commission regarding funding strategies for Motorized,  Non-Motorized and LWCF grants. 

    Public comments are welcome for all grant applications at each step of the review process (upon submission and posting of the application, before the subcommittees, before the State Recreational Trails Committee and before the Parks and Wildlife Commission​). Every public comment is evaluated as part of a subcommittee's grant review and ranking process. 

    Trail Grant Application review and ranking process follows this protocol: 

    1. ​All grant applications are first reviewed by wildlife field biologists and regional staff. Colorado Parks and Wildlife's field staff will attempt to resolve any concerns prior to the subcommittee's review. 
    2. Applications are posted online and evaluated by the grant review and ranking subcommittees. The subcommittees score and rank the trail grant applications in their recommended funding priority order. 
    3. The ranked applications are then passed to the Committee which evaluates the applications in ranked order and recommends funding strategies to the Parks and Wildlife Commission.  
    4. The Commission provides the final funding approval to the projects receiving grant allocations.
    5. Once the annual trail grant selection process is completed, the Committee reviews the previous grant applications, and reviews policies and procedures for the next year's grant program.​

    Meet the Committee

    The committee consists of eleven members appointed by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission, representing Colorado’s eight congressional districts, two at-large members currently representing Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) and Snowmobile interests, and one member who represents the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) Board. They serve four-year terms and may be reappointed to a second four-year term.

    Jill Ozarski

    STC Committee Chair
    LWCF Subcommittee Chair

    District 1 - Non-Motorized Representative
    2nd Term Expiration: 6/30/2025

    Meara McQuain

    NM Subcommittee Chair

    District 2 - Non-motorized Representative
    1st Term Expiration: 06/30/2025

    Mick Daniel

    District 3 - Motorized Representative
    2nd Term Expiration: 6/30/2028

    Brad Schwartz

    District 4 - Motorized Representative
    2nd Term Expiration: 6/30/2028

    Jack Placchi

    OHV Representative (Non-Motorized)

    District 7 - Non-motorized Representative
    1st Term Expiration: 06/30/2025

    Jason Meyer

    Non-Motorized Subcommittee Chair

    District 5 - Local Government​ Representative
    1st Term Expiration: 06/30/2025

    ​Bevin Carithers

    ​District 8 - Non-Motorized Representative
    1st Term Expiration: 06/30/2026


    District 6 - Diversified or Motorized Representative

    ​Heather Hormell

    STC Committee Vice-Chair
    OHV Subcommittee Chair

    At Large - Motorized Representative
    1st Term Expiration:​ 06/30/2026

    Zachary Shacter

    Snowmobile Subcommittee Chair
    Snowmobile Representative

    At Large - Motorized Representative
    1st Term Expiration: 06/30/2028

    Pam Denahy

    Non-motorized Subcommittee Chair

    GOCO Representative
    Term Expiration: N/A​

    Upcoming Meetings

    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: April 4, 2025

    Friday, Apr 4

    CPW Headquarters - Big Horn Room

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.

    Past Meetings

    12 results
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: February 7, 2025

    Friday, Feb 7

    CPW Headquarters - Big Horn Room

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: December 6, 2024

    Friday, Dec 6

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: October 21, 2024

    Monday, Oct 21

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: September 13, 2024

    Friday, Sep 13

    Poncha Springs Town Hall

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: May 31, 2024

    Friday, May 31

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife Headquarters - Bighorn Room

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: April 5, 2024

    Friday, Apr 5

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife Headquarters - Bighorn Room

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: February 9, 2024

    Friday, Feb 9

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife Headquarters - Bighorn Room

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: December 1, 2023

    Friday, Dec 1

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.
    State Recreational Trails Committee meeting logo



    State Trails Committee Meeting: September 15, 2023

    Friday, Sep 15

    The Lodge at Mountaineer Square

    The State Recreational Trails Committee reviews, scores, and ranks grant applications and formulates funding recommendations to the Commission for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s Trail Grant Programs. The Trails Committee advises the Commission and CPW on all matters pertaining to trails, their use, extent, location and funding.