Vega State Park
State Park in Collbran, CO
Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Office: Daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Entrance Fees:
Daily Vehicle Pass: $10
Individual Daily Pass: $4
Animals Permitted:
- Leashed Dogs
- Service Animals
- Horses
Park Address:
15247 North 6/10 Road Unit A
Collbran, CO 81624
United States
Vega State Park
State Park in Collbran, CO
Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Office: Daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Entrance Fees:
Daily Vehicle Pass: $10
Individual Daily Pass: $4
Animals Permitted:
- Leashed Dogs
- Service Animals
- Horses
Park Address:
15247 North 6/10 Road Unit A
Collbran, CO 81624
United States
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A sweeping view of the reservoir with a small pier
Park Highlight
Explore Vega Reservoir
Vega’s two-mile-long reservoir is the largest body of water in the Grand Valley.
Reservoir Facilities
Vega State Park has two boat ramps. Boat ramps are available at day-use areas located near Early Settlers (closed for the season) and Island campground.
The boat ramps are open from May to October annually, depending on ice off in the spring and water levels in the fall. If water levels are low, some of the ramps may be closed.
Fishing Piers
The accessible fishing pier is located near the Oak Point Boat Ramp on the northeast side of Vega Reservoir. There is plenty of parking, a picnic area and a vault toilet. The pier is not fishable during low water. Please call the Visitor Center for current conditions.
The pier provides a great birding spot as well to view the shoreline and visiting osprey.
Boating and Fishing
Vega’s vast reservoir offers opportunities for sailing, canoeing, water skiing and jet skiing. Swimming is allowed in designated wakeless zones only.
Boat Inspections
All boats on trailers are required to be inspected for aquatic nuisance species before entering the lake and can be completed by inspectors at the front entrance. All boat ramps and aquatic nuisance dpecies inspections open May 1, depending on ice conditions, and end in October of each year.
Closing the Lake to Boating
To prevent boats from launching during hours, inspections are not available. The park has installed new gates and one-way spike strips. The spike strips will allow boats to exit the lake after hours at the Island boat ramp, but will prevent anyone from entering the lake during non-inspection hours. Boaters that plan to exit the lake after inspection hours should park and use the Island boat ramp so that they are not behind locked gates after hours. Boat ramps will be locked daily after the ANS inspection gate closes each day at 4:00 p.m.
Fishing can be enjoyed year-round at the park. Whether off of a boat, fishing from shore or dropping a lure through the ice, the rainbow and cutthroat trout here at Vega are sure to test your skills!
Ice Fishing
Ice fishing is available during the winter months. Please use caution when ice fishing. Have proper safety equipment and follow safety guidelines.
Fish Species and Bag Limits
See the Fishing Atlas for fishable species at this location and the Fishing Brochure (PDF) for daily bag limits.
Fishing Awards and Records for Vega
Colorado Parks and Wildlife awards anglers who catch big fish. Visit the Fishing Awards and Records page.
Clean Your Gear: Fishing
Help Protect Colorado Waters
Clean Your Gear
Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your fishing gear.
Bring the Brochures with You
Fishing Brochure
Read up on the location you want to fish before you head out.
Download the BrochureLand and Water Regulations Brochure
Have a question about regulations? Check the brochure.
Download the BrochureMandatory Boat Inspections
To boat on the reservoir, a pre-launch boat inspection for aquatic nuisance species (ANS) at the boat ramp, an ANS stamp and a current boat registration are required.
Non-motorized, hand-launched kayaks, canoes, rafts, belly boats, float tubes, paddle boards and foldable boats do not need to be inspected.
Inspection Hours
Closing at 4 .pm. for the remainder of the season.
Aquatic Nuisance Species
Aquatic nuisance species (ANS) are aquatic plants and animals that invade lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams, including zebra mussel, quagga mussel, New Zealand mudsnail, Asian carp, rusty crayfish and more.
Stop the Spread of ANSPaddleboards, Kayaks and Canoes, Inflatable Watercraft
Help Protect Colorado Waters: Clean Your Gear
Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your paddleboard, kayak, canoe or inflatable watercraft.

Fishing Equipment
Fishing for Visitors with Disabilities
Two Landeez All-Terrain Wheelchairs and three One-armed Bandit fishing poles may be borrowed from the park in order to make access to the reservoir shoreline and fishing easier for disabled visitors. The unique design of the chairs, coupled with the help of an able-bodied volunteer, allows them to be pushed through snow, ice and mud, allowing access to otherwise difficult-to-reach places around the reservoir. The fishing poles have a special waist belt that provides easy handling.
The accessible fishing pier is located near the Oak Point Boat Ramp on the northeast side of Vega Reservoir.
To reserve a chair or fishing pole, please contact the park at 970-487-3407.
Water Activities

Jet Skiing
Jet skiing is a popular hot weather activity at Vega.

Paddle Boarding
The reservoir at Vega State Park offers the perfect paddle boarding opportunity, with stunning views and expansive waters! Don't forget to bring your life jacket and dress for cold waters. The nearby Vega Lodge (privately owned) rents paddle boards.

Come sail on the reservoir and enjoy the picturesque mountain views.

Swimming is permitted within the no wake zones located by Island Campground, Turtle Shell Day Use Area, and Early Settlers Campground.
Water Skiing
Water skiing is allowed only in a counter-clockwise direction; avoid the no-wake zones. The water is cold so dress warmly.
Windsurfing is allowed on the reservoir.