Sylvan Lake State Park

State Park in Eagle, CO


Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. 
Office: Daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., as staffing permits

Entrance Fees:

Daily Vehicle Pass: $​10
Individual Daily Pass: $4

Animals Permitted:

  • Leashed Dogs
  • Service Animals
  • Horses

Park Address:

10200 Brush Creek Road
Eagle, CO 81631
United States



[email protected]

Sylvan lake at a distance.

Sylvan Lake State Park

State Park in Eagle, CO

Sylvan lake at a distance.


Park: Daily, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. 
Office: Daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., as staffing permits

Entrance Fees:

Daily Vehicle Pass: $​10
Individual Daily Pass: $4

Animals Permitted:

  • Leashed Dogs
  • Service Animals
  • Horses

Park Address:

10200 Brush Creek Road
Eagle, CO 81631
United States



[email protected]

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An angler in a boat

An angler in a boat

Park Highlight

Explore Sylvan Lake

Canoeists, kayakers, paddle boarders and electric motor boaters enjoy the 42 acre lake. Anglers can try for rainbow, cutthroat, brook and brown trout in the lake and creeks. Picnickers can stake their claim to a spot along the shoreline.   


Boat icon

Boat Ramp

The boat ramp is located on the north side of the lake by the cabins and campground and accessed from Forest Road 400. Only non-motorized boats or boats with electric trolling motors are allowed.

Boating and Fishing


    The 42-acre lake is a beautiful setting for a leisurely paddle. Only non-motorized boats or boats with electric trolling motors are allowed. All Colorado State boating regulations apply. Paddle boards, canoes and kayaks are available for rent from the entrance station during the summer months.

    Lake Fishing

    Lake fishing is excellent year-round for brook, cutthroat and rainbow trout.

    Ice Fishing

    Ice fishing is permitted during the winter. Use caution and fish at your own risk. Ice fishing equipment is available to borrow; call the park at 970-328-2021 for equipment details and updated ice conditions. 

    Fish Species and Bag Limits

    See the Fishing Atlas for fishable species at this location and the Fishing Brochure (PDF) for daily bag limits.

    Fishing Awards and Records for Sylvan Lake

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife awards anglers who catch big fish. Visit the Fishing Awards and Records page.

    Clean Your Gear: Fishing

    Help Protect Colorado Waters

    Clean Your Gear

    Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your fishing gear.

    Stream Fishing

    The park also includes 10 miles of mountain stream fishing along East and West Brush creeks.


    From September 1 to November 30, fishing is not allowed between the lake inlet and 0.5 miles upstream to allow for fish spawning.

    Bring the Brochures with You

    Mandatory Boat Inspections

    To boat on the reservoir, a pre-launch boat inspection for aquatic nuisance species (ANS) at the boat ramp, an ANS stamp and a current boat registration are required.

    Non-motorized, hand-launched kayaks, canoes, rafts, belly boats, float tubes, paddle boards and foldable boats do not need to be inspected.

    Inspection icon

    Inspection Hours

    Sylvan Lake does not offer boat inspections on site. The closest inspection sites are located at the Frisco Bay Marina, Turquoise Lake, Ruedi Reservoir, Dillon Reservoir and Harvey Gap State Park.

    Find a Boat Inspection Station
    Alert icon

    Aquatic Nuisance Species

    Aquatic nuisance species (ANS) are aquatic plants and animals that invade lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams, including zebra mussel, quagga mussel, New Zealand mudsnail, Asian carp, rusty crayfish and more.

    Stop the Spread of ANS

    Paddleboards, Kayaks and Canoes, Inflatable Watercraft

    Help Protect Colorado Waters: Clean Your Gear

    Cleaning your gear before and after use helps protect our water from aquatic nuisance species. Check out these videos to learn how to clean your paddleboard, kayak, canoe or inflatable watercraft.

    Clean Your Gear: Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species in Colorado

    Clean Your Gear: Paddleboards

    Clean Your Gear: Kayaks and Canoes

    Clean Your Gear: Inflatable Watercraft

    Water Activities

    A canoe in the shallows

    Kayaking and Canoeing

    Canoes, kayaks and paddle boards are welcome on the lake. All are available for rental from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend from the entrance gate at Sylvan Lake.

    Three people on a paddle board admire the view

    Paddle Boarding

    Paddle boarding is popular at the lake. Remember your life jackets!

    A sailboat on the water


    The quiet, wakeless waters of the lake are perfect for sailing.