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James Gammonley
James Gammonley

​​​​​​​​​Avian Researcher Leader


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Ph.D., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology — University of Missouri, Columbia, 1996

M.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology — University of Missouri, Columbia, 1990

B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology — University of California, Davis, 1984

Current or Recent Positions

Avian Research Chief — Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 2005-Present

Avian Researcher — Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 1995-2005

Current or Recent Research Projects

Evaluating relationships between hunting regulations, habitat conditions, and duck hunting quality on State Wildlife Areas in northeastern Colorado

Population dynamics of resident Canada geese along the Front Range of Colorado

Areas of Interest, Expertise

Ecology and management of waterfowl and other wetland-dependent birds

Harvest management of migratory game birds


Vrtiska, M. P., J.H. Gammonley, L. W. Naylor, and A. H. Raedeke. 2013. As waterfowl hunters decline…so do revenues for wetlands conservation. Wildlife Professional 7(2):18-22.

Vrtiska, M. P., J.H. Gammonley, L. W. Naylor, and A. H. Raedeke. 2013. Economic and conservation ramifications from the decline of waterfowl hunters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:380-388.

Rice, M. B., A. D. Apa, M. L. Phillips, J.H. Gammonley, B. Petch, and K. Eichhoff. 2013. Analysis of regional species distribution models based on combined radio-telemetry datasets from multiple small-scale studies. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:821-831.

Connelly, J., J.H. Gammonley, and T. W. Keegan. 2012. Harvest management. Pages 202-231 in N. Silvey, editor.  The wildlife techniques manual. Volume 2. Management. Seventh edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

Witter, D., D. J. Case, J.H. Gammonley, and D. Childress. 2006. Social factors in waterfowl management: conservation goal, public perception, and hunter satisfaction. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

Gammonley, J.H. 2004. Wildlife use of natural palustrine wetlands in the Intermountain West. Pages 130-153 in M.C. McKinstry, W.A. Hubert, and S.H. Anderson, editors. Wetland and riparian areas the intermountain West. University of Wyoming, Laramie.

Gammonley, J.H., and M.K. ​Laubhan. 2002. Patterns of food abundance for breeding waterbirds in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Wetlands 22:409-508.

Laubhan, M.K., and J.H. Gammonley. 2001. Agricultural producers' perceptions of sandhill cranes in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:639-645.

Humburg, D.A., T.W. Aldrich, S. Baker, G. Costanzo, J.H. Gammonley, M.A. Johnson, B. Swift, and D. Yparraguirre. 2000. Adaptive harvest management: has anything really changed?  Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.​

Laubhan, M.K., and J.H. Gammonley. 2000. Density and foraging habitat selection of waterbirds breeding in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:808-819.​