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Lynx Sighting Form
Lynx Sighting Form


​​​​​​​ lynx​​​Have You Seen a Lynx?

​If you have seen lynx in Colorado, we would like to hear about it. To help us keep track of our precious lynx population please fill out our Lynx Sightings Form.

​​ Thanks again to all of you who have called in sightings - these really help us when we fly for lynx. Please know that we follow-up on all these sightings, usually with flights in the area of the sighting as soon as possible.​

Step 1 of 3

Observer Information

Valid phone number is required

Valid email is required

Step 2 of 3

Observation Information

Valid date and time required. [mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm]

Name of general area where you observed the lynx or lynxes (e.g. national park, mountain range, wilderness area, etc.)

Describe exact location of observation. Please include county and nearby landmarks. List GPS location or Township/Range/Section. If using GPS coordinates, please use UTM coordinates and provide the Datum and Zone.


County in which observation occurred

Please describe the vegetation in the area where the animal was observed. For example Pine Trees, Grass, Willows, etc.

If you posted any related videos to the internet, please provide the URLs.

Step 3 of 3

Physical Characteristics of Animal(s)

Describe the behaviors of the animal(s) during your observation.

Other Comments

Please provide additional comments on physical characteristics.


You're not quite done. Please submit this form after reviewing it.

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Lynx Sighting Form

Part I: Observer Information

First and Last Name:


City, State, Zip:



Part II: Area Information

General Area:






Part III: Observation Information

May we contact you for additional information?

Do you have a photo or video?

Willing to share photo/video:

Video URL:

Part IV: Physical Characteristics of the Animal(s)

Physical Description:




Number Observed:

Lynx Behavior:

Distance to Animal:

Adults or Juveniles:


Additional Comments on Physical Characteristics:
