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Volunteer Raptor Monitoring Program​

​​​The Statewide Volunteer Raptor Monitoring Program is a coordinated and standardized method of monitoring and cataloging raptor activity within State Parks. We currently have volunteers working at over 20 parks, including parks on the west slope! 

Stewardship is adding parks slowly​ based on volunteer interest and demand. We need to be able to manage the volunteers, so that they get the optimal experience and we get the necessary data to protect these marvelous creatures and our parks resources.

There are two primary goals of the program:  

  1. ​Document and monitor raptor nests and GPS locations. The raptor nests are monitored bi-weekly by volunteers who enter data about species, behavior, and location and eventually nest success information.

  2. Document raptor usage of the parks during the winter. Volunteers travel bi-weekly to pre-determined winter monitoring reports and again, send in detailed entries with sightings and behavior information. This information is compiled at the Stewardship office and has become a valuable tool for evaluating park resources and development projects.

This program would not be a success without the dedication and hard work of the Volunteer Program and the Park Volunteer Coordinators that assist with this program. This is truly a collaborative effort that is helping us to understand and appreciate our park systems!

Thank you to everyone who participates in this program!​

Check out our Statewide Volunteer Raptor Monitoring Handbook​.