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Pothole seeder testing
Pothole seeder testing

Loading seed into the pothole seeder at Escalante State Wildlife Area.

Seedling establishment within potholes, May 2019, Escalante SWA.

Led by

Ivan Archer
Derek Lovoi

Project Status


Research Objectives

  • Monitor results from a few of the first sites to use the pothole seeder developed in 2018 
  • Continue to improve the pothole seeder

Project Description

A new type of seeder, dubbed a pothole seeder, was designed and built as part of another CPW study  after prior CPW research  indicated that seeding over a roughened surface of mounds and holes could aid in cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) control during plant establishment.  The goal of this project is to monitor the first 4 projects to use the new pothole seeder.  They are located at Escalante SWA (Delta County), Mountain Island Ranch (Mesa County), Nash Wash (Grand County Utah), and Sims Mesa (Montrose County).  All of the projects have dual management and research purposes.  We continue to improve the seeder and monitor its effectiveness at aiding plant establishment and controlling weeds.  We also aim to improve habitat for species like antelope and Gunnison sage-grouse.

Associated Publications