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Scuba Divers Can Help!
Scuba Divers Can Help!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ANS can ruin opportunities for scuba diving! 

Divers can unintentionally spread freshwater aquatic nuisance species (ANS) such as the zebra or quagga mussel, New Zealand mudsnail, Eurasian watermilfoil, waterfleas or Asian clams from one body of water to another on their gear. Some ANS are invisible to the naked eye and can survive hours to weeks on wet scuba​​ gear, or water inside the equipment. By adhering to the following guidelines, you can help prevent the spread of ANS when you scuba dive.


Clean off visible plants, animals and mud from wetsuit, dry suit, booties, mask, snorkel, fins, buoyancy compensator (BC), regulator, cylinder, weight belt, boat, motor, and trailer before leaving the water body. 


Empty water from BC, regulators, boots, gloves, snorkel, mask and any other equipment that may hold water before leaving the water body.


Thoroughly rinse the inside of your BC with hot water (at least 104° F, but not more than 120° F) or salted water (1/2 cup salt dissolved per one gallon water). Immediately follow a salted wash with a freshwater rinse. Lastly, submerge and wash your suit and other equipment using appropriate cleaning solutions.


Completely dry your suit and all equipment completely before diving in a different water.​

Be Part of the Solution!

Volunteer and recreational scuba divers help Colorado Parks and Wildlife each year by performing scientific scuba dives to monitor ANS and search for new invaders.

  • ​Learn how to properly identify aquatic nuisance species.

  • Stay alert when diving in Colorado and document the specific location of any invasive species encountered.

  • Report ANS sightings to Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

  • Join the CPW volunteer​ scuba diving team.

Learn more​ about scuba diving in Colorado!