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State Parks NatureFinder
State Parks NatureFinder


Update: ​​​​​​​​State Park Animal and Plant Guides Now Available

The Resource Stewardship Program at Colorado Parks and Wildlife has developed virtual guidebooks for the NatureFinder to more easily identify species found at State Parks.

NatureFinder App  
  • ​Each park has its own set of guides for plants and animals that occur specifically in that park.
  • A guide can then be refined by filtering species by color and family (grasses, amphibians, butterflies). 
To use the guides, go to the Guides section​ of the iNaturalist website or login to the app. 

  • ​Type the name of the park into the search bar, and select the guide you want to use.
  • Click the menu icon on the side to access the species filters. Select the attributes you want to filter for. You can choose more than one! If you are accessing the guides online, you will need to click the green + to add additional filters. 
Now that you have narrowed the search, it should be easier to identify what you saw!​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Discover Nature with your Smartphone!

The State Parks NatureFinder P​rojec​t on allows park visitors to track and view biodiversity! 


  • About biodiversity
  • How to respectfully view wildlife
  • Which species use different parts of the park


  • ​Search for new wildlife and plants in the park
  • Track everything from the first spring flowers to animal tracks in the winter


  • ​Share photos of sightings with friends, visitors and park staff
  • Improve the biodiversity informati​on for the park​

This project seeks to record and display the biodiversity of State Parks in Colorado and provides visitors, volunteers, and staff the opportunity to assist in monitoring the ecological integrity of our parks. 

The State Parks NatureFinder P​rojec​t​ is administered by the Resource Stewardship Program at Colorado Parks and Wildlife, which encourages you to follow these wildlife viewing guidelines:

  • ​Remember to always be respectful of wildlife and keep these viewing and photography guidelines in mind. By following these guidelines you are helping promote conservation of wildlife and their habitats, as well as the safety of yourself and others! 

  • Wildlife should be viewed/photographed from a safe and respectful distance. 

  • Use binoculars, spotting scopes, zoom lenses, and viewing blinds to avoid disturbing species.

  • Avoid getting close to nests or dens – your presence can disturb breeding and alert predators to nest/den locations. 

  • Stay on trails and roads, tread lightly, and leave plants and animals where you find them.

  • Do not use recorded animal calls while viewing or photographing wildlife. 

  • If an animal shows any sign of stress, move away. 

  • Keep pets on leash at all times. 

  • Do not feed wildlife.

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